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简单 C 程序的不可预测的输出

[英]Unpredictable output of simple C Program

I am practicing c programming from the very beginning, but when I execute simple C program to add two numbers, I got unexpected output, I am not able to figure it out, can anyone provide the detailed explanation of how the compiler works behind the scene for this output.我从一开始就在练习c编程,但是当我执行简单的C程序将两个数字相加时,我得到了意想不到的输出,我无法弄清楚,谁能提供编译器在幕后如何工作的详细说明对于这个输出。

Here is the mentioned code.这是提到的代码。 I am using basic turbo IDE我正在使用基本的 Turbo IDE

void main()
int a,b,c=0;
printf("Enter two numbers:");
scanf("%d%d", &a,&b);
printf("sum of two numbers are %d", &c);


Enter two numbers:1
sum of two numbers are -16

You have mistake in line :-你有错误:-

printf("sum of two numbers are %d", &c);`

Change it to :-将其更改为:-

printf("sum of two numbers are %d", c);

&c is used when you want to print address. &c用于打印地址。

Modified code :-修改后的代码:-

#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
void main()
    int a, b, c = 0;
    printf("Enter two numbers:");
    scanf("%d%d", &a, &b);
    c = a + b;
    printf("sum of two numbers are %d", c); // not &c

Output :-输出 :-

Enter two numbers:3                                                                                                                                                                    
sum of two numbers are 8  

Turbo c is very outdated.Try gcc (IDEs like CodeBlocks) . Turbo c 已经过时了。试试gcc (像 CodeBlocks 这样的 IDE) Also make sure that your code is intended properly.另外,还要确保你的代码是否正确预期

The problem seems to be that you used the address-of operator on the variable c where you did not need to.问题似乎是您在不需要的变量c上使用了地址运算符。 &c is a pointer to c , so when you print it out you are actually trying to print the memory address of c rather than the integer value stored there, leading to unexpected output. &c是一个指向c ,所以当你打印出来,你实际上是试图打印的内存地址c ,而不是存储在那里的整数值,从而导致意外的输出。 So所以

printf("sum of two numbers are %d", &c);

should become应该成为

printf("sum of two numbers are %d", c);

您输入的printf语法错误,请使用以下命令: printf("sum of two numbers are %d",c);

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