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[英]Dynamic Url rewrite in ASP.NET CORE

I'm trying to rewrite a URL, and detect if a portion of the URL exists, then process that string to finally create a final URL.我正在尝试重写 URL,并检测 URL 的一部分是否存在,然后处理该字符串以最终创建最终 URL。

From this article , I found so far a way to replace segments of the URL using a regex.本文中,我找到了一种使用正则表达式替换 URL 段的方法。

My case is the following: given the URL我的情况如下:给定 URL

www.whatever.com/segment1/segment2?parameter=value www.whatever.com/segment1/segment2?parameter=value

I need to detect if the text " parameter= " exist in the URL and then process the value and get something like:我需要检测 URL 中是否存在文本“ parameter = ”,然后处理该值并得到如下内容:

www.whatever.com/segment1/segment2?parameter=valueConverted www.whatever.com/segment1/segment2?parameter=valueConverted

First, I tried doing something like:首先,我尝试做类似的事情:

var options = new RewriteOptions() 
  .AddRedirect("segment1/segment2/(.*)", "segment2/$1");

which worked fine but I was later asked to process the value of the parameter.效果很好,但后来我被要求处理参数的值。 But I have not found something similar to this yet:但我还没有发现类似的东西:

var options = new RewriteOptions()  
  .AddRewrite(@"^param=$", "param=" MethodCall(how to send value here?) );

Any guidance?任何指导?

I found some interesting articles like this that helped me accomplish this... take a look at my final code:我发现了一些像这样的有趣文章,它们帮助我完成了这个……看看我的最终代码:

 public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app ...
        var options = new RewriteOptions()              
            .Add(new MyCustomRules());

... ...

 public class MyCustomRules : Microsoft.AspNetCore.Rewrite.IRule
    private int StatusCode { get; } = (int)System.Net.HttpStatusCode.MovedPermanently;

    private const string PARAMETER = "parameter=";

    public void ApplyRule(RewriteContext context)
        var request = context.HttpContext.Request;
        var host = request.Host;
        var url = request.Path.Value;
        var queryString = request.QueryString.Value;

        if (queryString.Contains(PARAMETER, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
            var host = request.Host;
            var originalText = queryString.Split(PARAMETER)[1]; 

            var convertedText = processText.Method(originalText);

            var newUrl = request.Scheme +  host.Value + request.Path + "?" + PARAMETER + convertedText;
            var response = context.HttpContext.Response;
            response.StatusCode = StatusCode;
            response.Headers[Microsoft.Net.Http.Headers.HeaderNames.Location] = newUrl;
            context.Result = RuleResult.EndResponse;

        context.Result = RuleResult.ContinueRules;

UPDATE: you have to be careful about redirect Looping.更新:您必须小心重定向循环。

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