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Presto SQL数据透视(缺少更好的词)数据

[英]Presto SQL pivoting (for lack of a better word) data

I am working with some course data in a Presto database. 我正在使用Presto数据库中的一些课程数据。 The data in the table looks like: 表中的数据如下所示:

student_id  period   score completed
1           2016_Q1  3     Y
1           2016_Q3  4     Y
3           2017_Q1  4     Y
4           2018_Q1  2     N

I would like to format the data so that it looks like: 我想格式化数据,使其看起来像:

student_id  2018_Q1_score 2018_Q1_completed 2017_Q3_score
1           0             N                 5
3           4             Y                 4
4           2             N                 2

I know that I could do this by joining to the table for each time period, but I wanted to ask here to see if any gurus had a recommendation for a more scalable solution (eg perhaps not having to manually create a new join for each period). 我知道我可以通过在每个时间段内加入表来做到这一点,但是我想问一下这里是否有专家建议使用更具可扩展性的解决方案(例如,不必在每个时间段内手动创建新的连接) )。 Any suggestions? 有什么建议么?

You can just use conditional aggregation: 您可以只使用条件聚合:

select student_id,
       max(case when period = '2018_Q1' then score else 0 end) as score_2018q1,
       max(case when period = '2018_Q1' then completed then 'N' end) as completed_2018q1,
       max(case when period = '2017_Q3' then score else 0 end) as score_2017q3
from t
group by student_id

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