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[英]Declaring a set of Variables as a Function of Another Variable

I'm attempting to assign strings based on column entries of which the amount changes (may be 15-40 entries depending on the day), then open URLs by adding the strings to a fixed beginning of the URL. 我试图根据数量发生变化的列条目分配字符串(根据日期可能为15-40个条目),然后通过将字符串添加到URL的固定开头来打开URL。 My issue is the assignment of the variables. 我的问题是变量的分配。 My code is as follows: 我的代码如下:

'LOOP 1:
    'Table Entries

Dim RowCount As Integer

    Do While True
        ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
        If IsEmpty(ActiveCell.Value) Then
            RowCount = ActiveCell.Row
            Exit Do
        End If

RowCount = RowCount - 2

'LOOP 2:
    'Assign IDs and URLs

Dim ID(1 To RowCount) As Variant
Dim URL(1 To RowCount) As String
Dim i1 As Integer

    For i1 = 1 To RowCount
        ID(i1) = Sheets("Table").Range("A" + CStr(i + 1)).Value
        URL(i1) = "--Redacted--" + CStr(URL(i1))
    Next i1

The issue is declaring the ID and URL variables as a function of RowCount. 问题是声明ID和URL变量是RowCount的函数。 I'm sure there is another way to declare these, but my lack of experience is showing. 我敢肯定还有另一种方法来声明这些,但是我缺乏经验表明。

Thanks in advance. 提前致谢。

As you have found: 如您所知:

Sub ThisFails()
    RowCount = 9
    Dim URL(1 To RowCount) As String
End Sub

does not work, but: 不起作用,但是:

Sub ThisWorks()
    Dim URL() As String
    RowCount = 9
    ReDim URL(1 To RowCount)
End Sub

will work 将工作

Looking at the thing you're trying to accomplish; 查看您要完成的事情; an array with ["--redacted--" + string] you could try: 您可以尝试使用[“ --redacted--” + string]组成的数组:

Sub Try()
Dim URL() As String
With Sheets("Table")
    URL = Split("--Redacted--" & Join(Application.Transpose(.Range(.Cells(2, 1), .Cells(1, 1).End(xlDown))), "|--Redacted--"), "|")
End With

End Sub

No need to loop or find an empty cell for your RowCount 无需循环或为RowCount查找空单元格

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