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将takeUntil()与Observable一起使用 <void> ?

[英]Will takeUntil() work with Observable<void>?

The documentation says that takeUntil continues to emit values until the passed observable emits a value . 该文件说, takeUntil继续进行,直到通过观察到发射值发射值。 It doesn't say until subscribe is called. 直到订阅被调用时才说。

I'm wondering if the following is safe to do? 我想知道下面的做法是否安全?

const x = new Subject<void>();


x.next(); // <-- no value

The alternative would be to emit some kind of value in x.next(true) . 另一种方法是在x.next(true)发出某种值。

Yes calling x.next() is safe. 是的,调用x.next()是安全的。 By inspecting the source code it can be seen that takeUntil does not use the value emitted from Observable x and simply calls complete() on the source Observable. 通过检查源代码 ,可以看出takeUntil没有使用Observable x发出的值,而只是在源Observable上调用complete()

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