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[英]Monthly timeline grid with right to left horizontal scroll

I want to make a Horizontal Timeline Carousel in Bootstrap with Js I don't know where to start. 我想用Js在Bootstrap中制作水平时间线轮播,但我不知道从哪里开始。 The structure is something like below. 结构如下。 Please help 请帮忙


Either I can do it with table column or with List Item. 我可以使用表列或列表项来执行此操作。 By clicking the arrow key the list scroll right to left with one month forward. 通过单击箭头键,列表将向右滚动到左滚动一个月。 I did not find and similar code around the internet. 我在互联网上找不到类似的代码。

<table width="100%" class="table table-responsive table-bordered">
      <td width="20%" class=""><div class="stages ready" style="left: 0px;">
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            <li data-stage-date="2018-07-01" class="ready" style="width: 480px; left: 0px;">
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I think you can do this some elements, but this time, I used ul(list). 我认为您可以执行某些操作,但是这次,我使用了ul(list)。 You can use the scrollLeft (jQuery method), so your only work is that setting the new position properly. 您可以使用scrollLeft(jQuery方法),因此您唯一的工作就是正确设置新位置。

$("scroll content(ul)").scrollLeft("100(new position)");

For example . 例如 I hope this will help you. 我希望这能帮到您。

Finally, I'll show you an example. 最后,我将向您展示一个示例。 Link 链接

You have SyntaxError: Unexpected token . 您有SyntaxError: Unexpected token . , so please solve this error at first. ,因此请首先解决此错误。 As long as JavaScript run without error, I can debug. 只要JavaScript运行没有错误,我就可以调试。

      ul.scrollLeft(ul.scrollLeft() + targetMonth.position().left - 15);
  }, 200);


      scrollLeft: ul.scrollLeft() + targetMonth.position().left - 15
  }, 200);

Finally 最后
First, Add some style and elements your #date-list to confirm working properly. 首先,在#date-list添加一些样式和元素,以确认其正常工作。

/* ADDED */
#date-list {
    overflow-x: auto;

<ul id="date-list" class="d-flex">
    <li id="month-1" class="list-group-item">...</li>
    <li id="month-2" class="list-group-item">...</li>
    <li id="month-3" class="list-group-item">...</li>
    <li id="month-4" class="list-group-item">...</li>
    <li id="month-5" class="list-group-item">...</li>
    <li id="month-6" class="list-group-item">...</li>
    <!-- ADDED -->
    <li id="month-7" class="list-group-item">...</li>
    <li id="month-8" class="list-group-item">...</li>

Then, add a variable in init process and modify a logic. 然后,在初始化过程中添加变量并修改逻辑。
(If you should handle properly when the number of #date-list li is not 12) (But I assume at least you have eight item, because you have 'today' button.) (如果#date-list li数量不是12时您应该正确处理)(但是我想至少您有8个项目,因为您有“今天”按钮。)

// ADDED in init process. 
var listCount = $("#date-list li").length;

// using it instead of hard cording.
 } else if (currentMonth === listCount) {

Now, You can see scrollbar, let't add a class in your css file. 现在,您可以看到滚动条,不要在css文件中添加类。
(If you want to see the highlight where the list-item that you focus.) (如果要查看突出显示列表项所关注的位置。)

.list-group-item.active-month {
    color: #31708f;
    background-color: #d9edf7;

Finally, if you don't want to show the default scroll bar, I think the best easy way is to use webkit-scrollbar, but unfortunately, that isn't working on IE. 最后,如果您不想显示默认的滚动条,我认为最好的简单方法是使用webkit-scrollbar,但是不幸的是,这不适用于IE。

#date-list::-webkit-scrollbar {
    /* Of course, you can also change the scrollbar what it looks. */
    display: none;

If you need to work only IE11 or Egde, I recommend Perfect-scrollbar , or at leaset other plugins, rather than implement yourself. 如果您只需要工作IE11或Egde,建议您使用Perfect-scrollbar或其他插件,而不要自己实现。

If you need to work other version of IE, I can't help.(I don't have an environment.) 如果您需要使用其他版本的IE,我将无能为力(我没有环境。)

Here's example using perfect-scrollbar . 这是使用perfect-scrollbar示例

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