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[英]Why am I Not receiving a notification when my FedEx package is delivered?

I'm using FedEx web services and jeremy-dunn/php-fedex-api-wrapper and attempting to have FedEx send me a plaintext email notification when a package has been delivered. 我正在使用FedEx Web服务和jeremy-dunn / php-fedex-api-wrapper,并试图在包裹交付后让FedEx向我发送明文电子邮件通知。 I am using a third party for order fulfillment, and they have and use a different FedEx account that is not mine. 我使用第三方来履行订单,他们拥有并使用了另一个不是我的联邦快递帐户。 (Maybe this is the problem?) (也许这是问题吗?)

I can track the packages just fine, and when I attempt to subscribe to the delivery notification, the response from FedEx seems to indicate success. 我可以很好地跟踪包裹,当我尝试订阅传递通知时,FedEx的响应似乎表明成功。 I am in testing mode. 我处于测试模式。 I'm NOT currently in production mode, in case that matters. 以防万一,我目前不处于生产模式。

My request uses the following function: 我的请求使用以下功能:

function fedexWebServicesNotificationSubscription( $trackingNumber, $recipient, $sender )
    global $fedexApiMode;

    if( ! is_array( $recipient ) OR ! isset( $recipient['email_addr'] ) )
        return FALSE;

    if( ! is_array( $sender ) OR ! isset( $sender['email_addr'], $sender['name'] ) )
        return FALSE;

    $userCredential = new ComplexType\WebAuthenticationCredential();

    $webAuthenticationDetail = new ComplexType\WebAuthenticationDetail();

    $clientDetail = new ComplexType\ClientDetail();

    $version = new ComplexType\VersionId();

    $localization  = new ComplexType\Localization();

    $emailRecip = new ComplexType\EMailNotificationRecipient();
        ->setEMailAddress( $recipient['email_addr'] )

    $emailNotificationDetail = new ComplexType\EMailNotificationDetail();
    $emailNotificationDetail->setPersonalMessage('Shipment Status Notification')

    $request = new ComplexType\TrackNotificationRequest();
        ->setTrackingNumber( $trackingNumber )
        ->setSenderEMailAddress( $sender['email_addr'] )
        ->setSenderContactName( $sender['name'] )

    $trackServiceRequest = new TrackService\Request();
    if( $fedexApiMode == 'production' )
    $response = $trackServiceRequest->getGetTrackNotificationReply($request, TRUE);

    return $response;

I use that function like this: 我这样使用该功能:

$trackingNumber = '781893213291';

$recipient = [
    'email_addr' => 'email@example.com'

$sender = [
    'email_addr' => 'email@example.com',
    'name'       => 'My Name'

$response = fedexWebServicesNotificationSubscription( $trackingNumber, $recipient, $sender );

echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';

And my response looks like this: 我的回答如下:

object(stdClass)#28 (6) {
  string(7) "SUCCESS"
  object(stdClass)#29 (5) {
    string(7) "SUCCESS"
    string(4) "trck"
    string(1) "0"
    string(35) "Request was successfully processed."
    string(35) "Request was successfully processed."
  object(stdClass)#30 (4) {
    string(4) "trck"
  object(stdClass)#31 (6) {
    string(12) "781893213291"
    string(23) "12018~781893213291~FDEG"
    string(4) "FDXG"
    string(10) "2018-07-17"
    object(stdClass)#32 (4) {
      string(13) "SAN FRANCISCO"
      string(2) "CA"
      string(2) "US"
    object(stdClass)#33 (1) {
      array(6) {
        string(11) "ON_DELIVERY"
        string(12) "ON_EXCEPTION"
        string(12) "ON_EXCEPTION"
        string(12) "ON_EXCEPTION"
        string(12) "ON_EXCEPTION"
        string(12) "ON_EXCEPTION"

So it appears that I have subscribed, and that I should receive an email notification when the package is delivered, but the email never arrives. 看来我已经订阅了,并且包裹交付时我应该收到一封电子邮件通知,但是电子邮件从未到达。 So I need help to know what's wrong with my code, or what's wrong with what I'm doing. 因此,我需要帮助来了解我的代码有什么问题,或我正在做的事情有什么问题。 I believe I understand what I'm doing, but no success. 我相信我了解自己在做什么,但没有成功。

1) In test mode, notifications are not sent. 1)在测试模式下,不发送通知。 With the production key (production mode), notifications are sent. 使用生产密钥(生产模式),发送通知。 This is what I was expecting. 这就是我所期望的。

2) My code and the response I am getting back are fine. 2)我的代码和返回的响应都很好。

3) Adding a track notification for a package that was not sent through my account works just fine. 3)为未通过我的帐户发送的包裹添加跟踪通知就可以了。 There is no restriction to adding track notifications, other than there may only be a total of 4. 添加跟踪通知没有任何限制,但总共可能只有4个。

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