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[英]How to access a variable declared in a page to a inner class?

I want to access a variable which is declared as public in Main class to a new class created within the same page. 我想访问在同一页面中创建的新类中在Main class中声明为public的变量。 I have done like below. 我已经做了如下。 But cant access the variable in that class 但是无法访问该类中的变量

public sealed partial class MainPage : Page
    public bool is_arrived = false;
    public MainPage()
        bool is_arrived=true;
        CallingWebServices asyn_task = new CallingWebServices();
    public class CallingWebServices
        //want to access variable "is_arrived" here.

In such cases you should use constructor injection and pass the value of is_arrived to CallingWebServices. 在这种情况下,应使用构造函数注入,并将is_arrived的值传递给CallingWebServices。

public sealed partial class MainPage : Page
    public bool is_arrived = false;
    public MainPage()
        bool is_arrived=true;
        CallingWebServices asyn_task = new CallingWebServices(is_arrived);
    public class CallingWebServices
         private bool _isArrived;
         public CallingWebServices(bool isArrived)
        //want to access variable "is_arrived" here.

One problem with this approach is that is_arrived value will loose sync if you change it in the parent class. 这种方法的一个问题是,如果在父类中更改了is_arrived值,它将失去同步。 So other approach is to pass the reference of the parent class to the inner class. 因此,另一种方法是将父类的引用传递给内部类。

public sealed partial class MainPage : Page
    public bool is_arrived = false;
    public MainPage()
        bool is_arrived=true;
        CallingWebServices asyn_task = new CallingWebServices(this);
    public class CallingWebServices
         private MainPage _Instance;
         public CallingWebServices(MainPage instance)
        //Access variable "instance.is_arrived" here.

However such practices should be discouraged and should be eliminated by having a better design approach. 但是,不应鼓励这种做法,并应采用更好的设计方法来消除这种做法。

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