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[英]pageLength working only in firstpage - DataTable

I just need to adjust few functions in my datatable (ref Datatables ) after or before ajax response. 我只需要在ajax响应之前或之后调整我的数据表 (ref Datatables )中的几个函数。 I tried to extend the page length to 30. Its working in first page only, Eg If I have 200 rows, 我尝试将页面长度扩展为30。它只能在首页中使用,例如,如果我有200行,

  • first page shows "Showing 1 to 30 of 200 entries" 第一页显示“显示1到30 ,共200个条目”
  • second page shows "Showing 31 to 200 of 200 entries" 第二页显示“显示200个条目中的31至200
  • third page shows "Showing 61 to 200 of 200 entries" 第三页显示“显示200个条目中的61至200

rest of the pages are same like this. 其余页面是这样的。

 success : function(data) { 

    var table=$('#datatable').DataTable()   // initializing datatable
    $('#datatable').dataTable().fnClearTable();  //clearing old data in every ajax response

    for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
        table.row.add(  //adding rows

    table.destroy()  // destroy existing datatable and appending following objects

        dom: 'Bfrtlip', 
        buttons: [ 'copy', 'excel','print', 'colvis' ], 
        columns: [  
            {name: 'name', title: 'Name'},      // Renaming Header
            {name: 'phone', title: 'Phone'}     
        rowsGroup: [        // Using rowspan / grouping     
        pageLength: '30' //page length


    }   //end of success()

If I don't destroy existing table, it shows an error message "cannot reinitialise datatable" . 如果我不销毁现有表,则会显示一条错误消息“无法重新初始化数据表” I think the problem with table.destroy() . 我认为table.destroy()有问题。 If I comment pageLength: '30' , its working fine as default(10 records per page) 如果我评论pageLength: '30' ,默认情况下可以正常工作(每页10条记录)

Is there any way to add objects without destroying? 有什么方法可以添加对象而不破坏对象? or adding these objects while creating rows/ initializing datatable? 或在创建行/初始化数据表时添加这些对象? Or any way to soleve this problem? 或有什么办法可以解决这个问题? Thank you in advance. 先感谢您。

pageLength: 30 //页面长度应为整数:D:D

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