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比较日期大于 C#

[英]Compare Date is Greater than in C#

I'm trying to check if the passing variable date is greater than a static date which I have included in the code and currently trying to use the following code,我正在尝试检查传递的变量日期是否大于我已包含在代码中的静态日期,目前正在尝试使用以下代码,

private String LastPayDate {
  get { 
    string foo;

    if(Parameters.TryGetValue("Last Pay Date", out foo))
      return foo;
      return null; 

private Boolean IsLastPay() {
  if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(LastPayDate)) {
    if(DateTime.Parse(Parameters.TryGetValue("Last Pay Date") >="24/05/2018")
       return true;
      return false;

  return false;

however the only error I get is within below code section,但是我得到的唯一错误是在下面的代码部分,

if(DateTime.Parse(Parameters.TryGetValue("Last Pay Date") > "24/05/2018") if(DateTime.Parse(Parameters.TryGetValue("Last Pay Date") > "24/05/2018")

can anyone help please ?有人可以帮忙吗?

If you want to compare DateTime s, compare them, but not string s:如果要比较DateTime s,请比较它们,而不是string s:

//TODO: what is the magic number (date) 24 May 2018?
private Boolean IsLastPay() {
  if (Parameters.TryGetValue("Last Pay Date", out var dateSt))
    if (DateTime.TryParse(dateSt, out var paramDate))
      return paramDate >= new DateTime(2018, 5, 24);
      return false; // DateTime.TryParse failed to parse the parameter
    return false;   // Parameters.TryGetValue failed to get the value

Thank you for respond.谢谢你的回应。 It did helped and I've managed to use below code and its working now, Much appreciate Help!它确实有帮助,我已经设法使用下面的代码并且现在可以正常工作,非常感谢帮助!

private Boolean IsLastPay()
   if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(LastPayDate))
   string lpd;
   if(Parameters.TryGetValue("Last Pay Date", out lpd))
   if(DateTime.Parse(lpd) > new DateTime(2018,05,24))
       return true;
       return false;
return false;

Why not use the DateTime.Compare() method of DateTime class.为什么不使用 DateTime 类的DateTime.Compare()方法。 For this you need to have both the variables/objects of type DateTime .为此,您需要同时拥有DateTime类型的变量/对象。

string staticDate = "24/05/2018"; //dd-MM-yyyy
string inputDate = "14/08/20"; //dd-MM-yy
string greaterDate = CalculateGreaterDate(inputDate, staticDate); // 14/08/20 is greater  

public static string CalculateGreaterDate(string iDate, string sDate)
   // input date
   string input = iDate;
   var inputElements = input.Split('/');
   int inputDay = Convert.ToInt32(inputElements[0]); //14 
   int inputMonth = Convert.ToInt32(inputElements[1]); //08
   int inputYear = Convert.ToInt32(inputElements[2]); //20

   // static date
   string static = sDate;
   var staticElements = static.Split('/');
   int staticDay = Convert.ToInt32(staticElements[0]); //24
   int staticMonth = Convert.ToInt32(staticElements[1]); //05
   int staticYear = Convert.ToInt32(staticElements[2]); //2018

   DateTime inputDate = new DateTime(inputYear, inputMonth, inputDay);
   DateTime staticDate = new DateTime(staticYear, staticMonth, staticDay);

   // DateTime.Compare(d1, d2) returns:
   // > 0 : d1 is greater than d2
   // = 0 : d1 & d2 are equal
   // < 0 : d1 is smaller than d2
   int result = DateTime.Compare(inputDate, staticDate);
   if (result > 0)
      return iDate + " is greater";
   else if (result < 0)
      return sDate + " is greater";
   else if (result == 0)
      return iDate + " is equal to " + sDate;

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