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[英]webpack: Tether is not defined

I'm creating a WebExtension, I need to use the selection-menu library in my content.js. 我正在创建一个WebExtension,我需要在content.js中使用选择菜单库。 It has in tether dependencies, so I installed: 它具有系绳依赖性,因此我安装了:

npm install tether
npm install selection-menu

Then in my code I write: 然后在我的代码中写:

import * as Tether from 'tether'
import SelectionMenu from 'selection-menu'

    this.selection_menu = new SelectionMenu({
      container: document.body,
      content: '<button> click me </button>',
      onselect: function(e) {
        this.menu.innerHTML = 'Selection length: ' + this.selectedText.length;

but when I select text, I get an error: 但是当我选择文本时,出现错误:

VM1492:23 Uncaught ReferenceError: Tether is not defined
    at i.show (<anonymous>:23:2899)
    at <anonymous>:23:4192

but in the page code I see that tether was imported 但是在页面代码中,我看到系绳已导入 屏幕

how to fix this error? 如何解决这个错误?

This work for me: 这项工作对我来说:

in my webpack.config.js: 在我的webpack.config.js中:

config.plugins = (config.plugins || []).concat([
  new webpack.ProvidePlugin({
    tether: 'tether',
    Tether: 'tether',
    'window.Tether': 'tether',

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