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[英]Expo mobile camera permission windows don't open in IOS

How are you, I am building Expo project and I need to ask camera permission. 您好,我正在建设世博会项目,我需要征得相机许可。 But it don't open windows for permission 但是它不会打开允许窗口

const { status1 } = await Permissions.getAsync(Permissions.CAMERA);
        if (status1 !== 'granted') {
            alert('please give CAMERA permission!')
        const { status2 } = await Permissions.getAsync(Permissions.CAMERA_ROLL);
        if (status2 !== 'granted') {
            alert('please give CAMERA_ROLL permission!')

I see alert because there are no permissions, but it don't show windows to give permissin, there is no way. 我看到警报是因为没有权限,但是没有显示允许permissin的窗口,所以没有办法。

Where else can I give those permission for Expo project? 我还能在哪些地方给予世博项目许可? Thanks 谢谢

Change Permissions.getAsync to Permissions.askAsync . 更改Permissions.getAsyncPermissions.askAsync See here for more info. 有关更多信息,请参见此处

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