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[英]Save hex datas of .mjpeg file as a .mjpeg formatted file in C#

I have a text file filled with hex datas(like "FFD8FE00..") of a .mjpeg formatted file. 我有一个文本文件,里面装有.mjpeg格式文件的十六进制数据(例如“ FFD8FE00 ..”)。 I have to play it with a converter. 我必须和转换器一起玩。 So, i am trying to write the data in a .mjpeg file with these lines: 因此,我正在尝试使用以下行将数据写入.mjpeg文件中:

string myData  = File.ReadAllText("hexData.txt");
string newData;
int remainder  = myData.Length%500;
byte[] data_toWrite=newByte[250];

for(int i=0;i<myData.Length-remainder; i+=500)
    newData     = myData.Substring(i,500);
    data_toWrite = StringToByteArray(newData);

newData     = myData.Substring(myData.Length-remainder,remainder);
data_toWrite = StringToByteArray(newData);

public static byte[] StringToByteArray(String hex)
  int NumberChars = hex.Length;
  byte[] bytes = new byte[NumberChars / 2];
  for (int i = 0; i < NumberChars; i += 2)
  bytes[i / 2] = Convert.ToByte(hex.Substring(i, 2), 16);
  return bytes;

But i couldn't make it play. 但我无法发挥作用。 I don't know where I am wrong at. 我不知道我在哪里错。 I tried to convert newData to ascii then byte array but it failed,too. 我试图将newData转换为ascii然后是字节数组,但是它也失败了。

Any ideas,many thanks! 任何想法,非常感谢!

Kane 凯恩

This 这个


overwrites the file every time, not appends. 每次都覆盖文件,而不是追加。

I'm sure better code can be written, but this should be enough: 我确信可以编写更好的代码,但这应该足够了:

string input = "test.hex";
string output = "output.bin";

using (var sr = new StreamReader(input))
using (var fs = File.Create(output))
    // We accumulate the 2 hex digits needed for a byte here
    string h = string.Empty;

    while (true)
        int ch1 = sr.Read();

        if (ch1 == -1)
            // The file finished but we have a pending partial hex code
            if (h.Length == 1)
                throw new Exception("Malformed file");


        char ch2 = (char)ch1;

        // Skip white space and end-of-line
        if (char.IsWhiteSpace(ch2))

        h += ch2;

        // We have collected 2 hex digits, so we have 1 byte
        if (h.Length == 2)
            byte b = Convert.ToByte(h, 16);
            h = string.Empty;

Note that both StreamReader and File.Create (that returns a FileStream ) do some buffering, so no explicit buffering is needed. 请注意, StreamReaderFile.Create (返回FileStream )都进行一些缓冲,因此不需要显式缓冲。 My hands are quivering because they want to remove the string h buffer and do the parsing hex digit by hex digit directly in the byte b . 我的手在颤抖,因为他们想删除string h缓冲区并直接在byte b逐个进行十六进制数字解析。 But I'll try to not overcomplicate the code :-) 但是我将尽量不使代码过于复杂:-)

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