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QString :: utf16():是否为UB?

[英]QString::utf16(): Is it UB or not?

Let's take the following source code: 让我们看下面的源代码:

const ushort *QString::utf16() const
    if (IS_RAW_DATA(d)) {
        // ensure '\0'-termination for ::fromRawData strings
        const_cast<QString*>(this)->reallocData(uint(d->size) + 1u);
    return d->data();

reallocData() modifies the d-pointer class member d , see https://code.woboq.org/qt5/qtbase/src/corelib/tools/qstring.cpp.html#_ZN7QString11reallocDataEjb . reallocData()修改d指针类成员d ,请参见https://code.woboq.org/qt5/qtbase/src/corelib/tools/qstring.cpp.html#_ZN7QString11reallocDataEjb What if the QString object is const? 如果QString对象是const怎么办? According to https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/const_cast modifying const objects with casting away constness is UB: 根据https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/const_cast修改具有constness的const对象是UB:

struct type {
    int i;

    type(): i(3) {}

    void f(int v) const {
        const_cast<type*>(this)->i = v; // OK as long as the type object isn't const

type t; // if this was const type t, then t.f(4) would be undefined behavior

Do we have UB in this particular piece of code (QString::utf16())? 在这段特定的代码(QString :: utf16())中是否包含UB?

This would indeed be an UB if QString object on which this method in invoked is const-qualified: 如果在其上调用此方法的QString对象是const限定的,则这的确是UB:

QString const str{"whatever"};

Note that important part here is that object is const-qualified, not that the method is const-qualified. 请注意,这里重要的一点是对象是const限定的,而不是方法是const限定的。

This is undefined behaviour if (and only if) the object in question was originally created const : 当(且仅)当所涉及的对象最初是const创建的时,这是未定义的行为:

QString const sc("whatever");
sc.utf16();                  // undefined behaviour!

QString s("whatever");
QString const& scr = s;
scr.utf16();                 // NOT undefined behaviour!

Still, casting away constness is a very bad idea, as, within the function, you never know if the object in question is a true const object or is only a pointer/reference to a object originally created non-const, so there is always immanent danger of UB! 尽管如此,抛弃constness是一个非常糟糕的主意,因为在函数内部,您永远都不知道所讨论的对象是真正的const对象还是仅是最初创建的非const对象的指针/引用,因此总会有 UB的内在危险!

Best is just not having the function const: 最好的就是没有const函数:

const ushort* QString::utf16()

As the case might be, users then are forced to create a non-const copy, even if the original object actually was non-const, but this is always better than risking UB! 视情况而定,即使原始对象实际上非常量的,用户也不得不创建非常量副本,但这总是比冒险使用UB好!

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