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Primefaces fileUpload不被调用

[英]Primefaces fileUpload is not called

I am using primefaces 5.0 and jsf 2.2 and I keep getting a NullPointer error. 我正在使用primefaces 5.0和jsf 2.2,并且不断收到NullPointer错误。

.xhtml file: .xhtml文件:

<h:form enctype="multipart/form-data">
 <p:fileUpload  fileUploadListener="#{mBKnjiga.uploadSlike}" mode="advanced"  allowTypes="*.jpg;*.png;*.gif;" />

Bean: 豆角,扁豆:

byte[] image;
public void uploadSlike(FileUploadEvent event) throws IOException {
image = IOUtils.toByteArray(event.getFile().getInputstream());

web.xhtml: web.xhtml:


I have added the jars for commons-io and commons-fileupload just in case. 为了防万一,我为commons-io和commons-fileupload添加了jar。 Also I have tried to upload the picture using the mode="simple" the way it was explained in their showcase but it didn't work. 我也尝试过使用模式=“ simple”上传图片,就像他们在展示柜中解释的那样,但是没有用。 I also tried it without the commons fileupload. 我也尝试了没有commons fileupload的情况。

I think your allowTypes value is breaking the component. 我认为您的allowTypes值正在破坏组件。 allowTypes expects a regular expression. allowTypes需要一个正则表达式。 Try allowTypes="/(\\.|\\/)(gif|jpe?g|png)$/" 尝试allowTypes="/(\\.|\\/)(gif|jpe?g|png)$/"

The problem was with the primefaces version. 问题出在primefaces版本上。 Primefaces 6.1 works just fine. Primefaces 6.1可以正常工作。

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