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[英]JavaScript date validation for HTML

I am currently trying to create a form on a website, where a person fills in a date before submitting the form. 我目前正在尝试在网站上创建表单,在此网站上,人们需要填写日期才能提交表单。 If the user inputs a date before today, it will not submit the form and give an alert stating "Date cannot be before today" . 如果用户输入今天之前的日期,它将不会提交该表单并给出警告,指出"Date cannot be before today"

However, I have run into an issue where my JavaScript algorithm is wrong and I can't find out what is causing the issue. 但是,我遇到了一个问题,即我的JavaScript算法错误,并且我无法找出导致问题的原因。 The issue is: the date does not matter, and the user can input any date below 2020-01-01 from maxlength from the form (JavaScript does not work) 问题是:日期无关紧要,用户可以从表单的maxlength输入2020-01-01以下的任何日期(JavaScript不起作用)

function checkForm() {
  var answ = validateDate(document.getElementById("doa").value);
  if (answ == false) {
    return false;
  return true;

function validateDate(doa) {
  var d = new Date(doa);
  var n = new Date();
  if (d <= n) {
    alert("Date cannot be before today");
    return false;
  return true;

My Form: 我的表格:

<form action="advertResult.html" onsubmit="return checkForm()">
  <label class="formText">First Name:</label>
  <input type="text" id="firstName" name="firstname" placeholder="" required>

  <label class="formText">Last Name:</label>
  <input type="text" id="lastName" name="lastname" placeholder="" required>

  <label for="commission" class="formText">Type of Commission</label>
  <select id="commission" name="commission" required>
    <option value="drawing">Art</option>
    <option value="video">Video</option>

  <label for="doa" class="formText">Select a date for discussion</label>
  <input type="date" name="date" id="doa" max="2020-01-01" required>

  <input type="submit" value="Submit">

update your code to do the date check 更新您的代码以进行日期检查

function checkForm() {
  return validateDate(document.getElementById("doa").value);

function validateDate(doa) {
  var d = new Date(doa);
  var n = new Date();
  return (d.getFullYear() >= n.getFullYear()) &&
    (d.getMonth() >= n.getMonth()) &&
    (d.getDate() >= n.getDate());

the HTML code refers to the global function checkForm , while the JS code can be defined in a variety of ways HTML代码引用全局函数checkForm ,而JS代码可以通过多种方式定义

unless it is included by an old-schoold <script> tag (either directly in HTML or using src attribute), then it is possible that the way how JS is included (such as using webpack) might convert the functions to local functions, and no global checkForm will be defined 除非它是由老式的<script>标记(直接在HTML中或使用src属性)包含的,否则JS的包含方式(例如使用webpack)可能会将函数转换为本地函数,并且没有定义全局checkForm

in that case, you can define a global function ( http://jsfiddle.net/w1m6c7v0/7/ ): 在这种情况下,您可以定义一个全局函数( http://jsfiddle.net/w1m6c7v0/7/ ):

window.checkForm = function() {

or even better, add the event listener in JS ( http://jsfiddle.net/w1m6c7v0/6/ , though use an id attribute if you have more than 1 form): 甚至更好的是,在JS中添加事件侦听器( http://jsfiddle.net/w1m6c7v0/6/ ,但如果您使用多种形式,请使用id属性):

document.querySelector('form').onsubmit = checkForm
function checkForm() {

You can make use of the moment.js library : https://momentjs.com/ 您可以使用moment.js库: https ://momentjs.com/

  return false;
return true;

If nothing is passed to moment#isBefore, it will default to the current time. 如果未将任何内容传递给moment#isBefore,它将默认为当前时间。

I tried the code and it looks good to me, maybe you are mistaking the format of the date which is MM/DD/YYYY , if I increase the DD it takes the user to advertResult.html?firstname=xxfirstnamexx&lastname=xxlastnamenamexx&commission=drawing&date=2018-07-22 meaning it works fine. 我尝试了代码,对我来说看起来不错,也许您误会了MM/DD/YYYY的日期格式,如果我增加DD,则需要用户输入advertResult.html?firstname=xxfirstnamexx&lastname=xxlastnamenamexx&commission=drawing&date=2018-07-22表示效果很好。


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