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[英]Load xml file in Aurelia synchoniously

I have a configuration class that needs to load an xml file on starting my aurelia application. 我有一个配置类,在启动我的aurelia应用程序时需要加载xml文件。 Now my problem is, that I have no Idea how to load that file so that I have the information present when I need them. 现在我的问题是,我不知道如何加载该文件,这样我就可以在需要它们时获得信息。

In my current implementation I'm using the aurelia-fetch-client for reading the information, but that leads to the point that the information are not present in time :/ 在我当前的实现中,我正在使用aurelia-fetch-client读取信息,但是这导致信息无法及时显示:/

Can somebody give me a hint how to implement that in a good way? 有人可以提示我如何以一种好的方式实现它吗?


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