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[英]C# foreach set list property to loop index in one line using list.Foreach

int loopIndex = 0;
foreach (var item in dataList)
    item.ChannelId = loopIndex;

I am looking for an alternate of above code in one line. 我在一行中寻找上述代码的替代形式。 Something like- dataList.ForEach(x=>x.ChannelId=...) dataList.ForEach(x=>x.ChannelId=...)

Suggestions please. 请提出建议。

如果您使用NuGet Microsoft的“ System.Interactive”扩展,则可以执行以下操作:

dataList.ForEach((item, index) => item.ChannelId = index);

Here is a Linq appraoch in one line without the requiremet to install another library 这是一行中的Linq方法,无需安装另一个库

dataList = dataList.Select((x, i) => { x.ChannelId = i; return x; }).ToList();

Code: https://dotnetfiddle.net/SCEbyV 代码: https//dotnetfiddle.net/SCEbyV

another appraoch - the classy for loop way in one line 另一个方法-一行中经典for循环方式

for (int i = 0; i < dataList.Count; i++) dataList[i].ChannelId = i;


dataList.ForEach(x => x.ChannelId = loopIndex++);


dataList= dataList.Select(x=>x.ChannelId=loopIndex++).ToList();

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