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如何通过分页使用RESTful API来按顺序获取AngularJS中的所有记录

[英]How to consume a RESTful API with pagination to fetch all records sequentially in AngularJS

The API I am consuming provides with the link headers as such: 我正在使用的API提供了这样的链接头:

</resource?page=1&limit=10>; rel="next",
</resource?page=1&limit=10>; rel="last",
</resource?page=0&limit=10>; rel="first"

And I need to consume the /resource endpoint, 10 objects at a time, in a loop, until there's no more next in link headers (last page). 我需要循环使用一次/resource端点,一次10个对象,直到链接头(最后一页)中没有next一个对象为止。

I have a resource as such: 我有这样的资源:

myResources.factory('MyResource', [
    function($resource) {

        const ENDPOINT = '/api/resource/:id';

        return $resource(ENDPOINT, null, {
            query: {
                method: 'GET',
                isArray: true,
                interceptor: {
                    response: function(response) {
                        response.resource.headers = response.headers;
                        return response.resource;

and I have a service as such: 我有这样的服务:

myServices.factory('MyResourceService', [
    function(MyResource) {
        return {
            findResources: function(){
                return MyResource.query().$promise;
            findAllResources: function(){
                // I need to return a promise which will fetch all 
                // results from the server synchronously

                var hasNext = true;
                var params = {limit: 10, page: 0};
                var chain = $q.all();

                    chain = chain.then(function(){
                        return MyResource.query(params).then(function(res){
                            var next = linkHeaderParser.parse(res.headers('link').next);
                            if(next) params = {limit: next.limit, page: next.page};
                            else hasNext = false;
                        }, function(){
                            hasNext = false;

                return chain;

Well, your eyes might hurt, because I know this is not the proper way to achieve this, since hastNext is not updated before the promise is actually executed, this leads to an infinite loop. 好吧,您的眼睛可能会受伤,因为我知道这不是实现此目标的正确方法,因为hastNext在promise实际执行之前没有更新,所以会导致无限循环。 But I couldn't get my head around it. 但是我无法解决这个问题。 Any help appreciated, thanks. 任何帮助表示赞赏,谢谢。

With reference to the comment by bigless , this is how I solved it: 参考bigless评论 ,这是我解决的方法:

            var getResource = function(params){
                return MyResource

            // Method that extracts the last page
            var pageCount = function(response){
                var last = 
                return parseInt(last.page);

            params.limit = 0;
            params.page = 0;

            var deferred = $q.defer();
            var resources = [];

            // Method that extracts the last page

                    var promises = [];
                    var lastPage = pageCount(res);
                    resources = resources.concat(res);

                    // Loop to get all pages
                    for(var i = params.page + 1; i <= lastPage; i++){
                        params.page = i;

                    return $q.all(promises);
                }, function(err){
                    if(err.headers('x-pagination-count') &&
                        parseInt(err.headers('x-pagination-count')) === 0)
                        return $q.all([]);

                    // Concat results and resolve the promise
                    for (var i = 0; i < res.length; i++){
                        resources = resources.concat(res[i]);


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