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[英]Protractor - Having trouble returning values from a promise

I know that my problem is that my promises are not executing in the order that I'm expecting, but I'm new to Protractor and was hoping someone here would be kind enough to please point out my (probably simple) mistake. 我知道我的问题是我的诺言没有按照我期望的顺序执行,但是我是Protractor的新手,并希望这里的人能够友好地指出我的(可能是简单的)错误。 I have a test that's building two arrays, and I'd like to return those two arrays and then set them locally where I can use them in other tests. 我有一个构建两个数组的测试,我想返回这两个数组,然后在本地设置它们,以便在其他测试中使用它们。 Problem is those two array's come back undefined. 问题是那两个数组返回未定义。 This is my first post so take it easy on me. 这是我的第一篇文章,所以请放轻松。 If I posted this incorrectly, just let me know, and I'll correct it. 如果我张贴的不正确,请告诉我,我会予以纠正。

Here's what I get in log: "Size of Index Array before RETURN: 5 "ARRAY.VALUE1: undefined" "ARRAY.VALUE2: undefined" 这是我在日志中得到的信息:“返回之前索引数组的大小:5” ARRAY.VALUE1:未定义”“ ARRAY.VALUE2:未定义”

Here's the relevant code: 以下是相关代码:

it('Build list of existing downloaded files and parse out index', function(){
        console.log("ARRAY.VALUE1: " + typeof(array.value1));
        console.log("ARRAY.VALUE2: " + typeof(array.value2));
        indexArray = array.value1;
        existingFiles = array.value2;

 this.listExistingFiles = function(fileArray){
  var deferred = protractor.promise.defer();
  var existingFiles = [];
  var indexArray = [];
  glob(fileArray, function (err, files){
    if(err) throw err;
    // Build an array of indexes of existing files
    if(typeof files !== 'undefined' && files.length > 0){
      console.log("Verifying downloads... ");
      files.forEach(function (item, index, array){
        console.log("item: " + item);
        var fileNameArray = item.split(/[-.]/);
        // The index in the file name starts at one, so subtract 1 to get true index
        var fileIndex = (parseInt(fileNameArray[fileNameArray.length - 2]) - 1);
        console.log("fileIndex: " + fileIndex + " type: " + typeof(fileIndex));
    console.log("Size of Index Array before RETURN: " + indexArray.length);
  deferred.fulfill(value1=indexArray, value2=existingFiles);
  return deferred.promise;

You can just create an object and attach it in deffered.fullfil: (Please use this code to reflect logic in your codes) Here is how you can do it. 您可以创建一个对象并将其附加到deffered.fullfil中:(请使用此代码反映代码中的逻辑)这是您可以执行的操作。

angularHomePage.po.js: angularHomePage.po.js:

 var AngularHomepage = function() {
  var deferred = protractor.promise.defer();
  var existingFiles = [];
  var indexArray = [];
    obj= {

console.log("Size of Index Array before RETURN: " + indexArray.length);

 return deferred.promise;
 module.exports = new AngularHomepage()

and your in test file: 和您的测试文件:

var angularHomepage =require('./../pageobjects/angularHomePage.po.js');
  describe('angularjs homepage',  function() {
   it('should greet the named user', function() {
    console.log("ARRAY.VALUE1: " + typeof(array.value1));
    console.log("ARRAY.VALUE2: " + typeof(array.value2));
    indexArray = array.value1;
    existingFiles = array.value2;

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