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我们可以使用nosql数据库作为Hive Metastore吗?

[英]Can we use nosql databases as Hive metastore?

I understand that Hadoop community promotes using RDBMS using as hive metastore. 我了解Hadoop社区提倡将RDBMS用作配置单元metastore。 But can we use nosql databases like mongodb or hbase for hive metastore? 但是我们可以将像mongodb或hbase这样的nosql数据库用于配置单元metastore吗? If not then why? 如果没有,那为什么呢? What is the criteria to choose a database for hive metastore? 选择配置单元元数据库的标准是什么?

If you are using the Cloudera Distribution, 如果您使用的是Cloudera发行版,

Cloudera strongly encourages you to use MySQL because it is the most popular with the rest of the Hive user community, and, hence, receives more testing than the other options. Cloudera强烈建议您使用MySQL,因为它在Hive用户社区的其余部分中最受欢迎,因此与其他选项相比,它接受了更多的测试。

It stores metadata for Hive tables (like their schema and location) and partitions in a relational database. 它将Hive表的元数据(如其架构和位置)以及分区存储在关系数据库中。 So we can only use the Relational DB. 因此,我们只能使用关系数据库。

If you want the NoSQl, we can go with the MariaDB for the Metastore. 如果您想要NoSQl,我们可以将MariaDB用于Metastore。 as Maria DB is a No SQL Kind Relational DB. 因为Maria DB是No SQL Kind Relational DB。

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