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[英]Speed up the insert of 70,000 rows (SProc, C#)

I have a list of 70,000 custom objects in C#, that hold four values. 我在C#中有70,000个自定义对象的列表,其中包含四个值。 I need to insert all of these into a SQL Server table, if they don't already exist in a different table (same DB). 我需要将所有这些插入到SQL Server表中(如果它们尚未存在于另一个表(相同的数据库)中)。 I currently have a single SProc that inserts an individual record, with a foreach loop calling the SProc for each item in my list. 我目前只有一个SProc插入一条单独的记录,并且有一个foreach循环为列表中的每个项目调用SProc。 Inserting 70,000 is taking about 14 minutes, which feels very slow to me, so is there a better approach? 插入70,000大约需要14分钟,这对我来说感觉很慢,是否有更好的方法?

The rough SProc is: 粗略的SProc是:

CREATE Procedure [dbo].[up_UpdateOverrideTable](
    @ItemId varchar(100),
    @ItemValue1 decimal(8,5),
    @ItemValue2 decimal(8,5),
    @Source varchar(2)
    DECLARE @LocItemId varchar(100)
    SET @LocItemId = @ItemId
    DECLARE @LocItemValue1 decimal(8,5)
    SET @LocItemValue1 = @ItemValue1
    DECLARE @LocItemValue2 decimal(8,5)
    SET @LocItemValue2 = @ItemValue2
    DECLARE @LocSource varchar(2)
    SET @LocSource = @Source

    DELETE FROM OverrideTable WHERE ItemId = @LocItemId

    IF EXISTS (SELECT ItemId FROM InitialTable WHERE ItemId = @LocItemId)
        INSERT INTO OverrideTable VALUES (@LocItemId, @LocItemValue1, @LocItemValue2, @LocSource)


The C# that calls this is also below: 调用此代码的C#也在下面:

using (SqlConnection conn = GetNewConnection()){
    using (var tran = conn.BeginTransaction()){
        using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("up_UpdateOverrideTable", conn, tran)){
            cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;

                foreach (var item in overrides){
                    // add parameters here 

                    var response = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();

                    completedInserts.Add(new OverrideItem(item.Id, Convert.ToBoolean(response)));
            catch (Exception ex){


Is there something I'm missing here, or is this the best I can hope for? 我在这里想念的东西还是这是我所希望的最好的东西? I'm wondering whether creating a DataTable in C# would do the trick? 我想知道在C#中创建DataTable是否可以解决问题?

I'm wondering whether creating a DataTable in C# would do the trick? 我想知道在C#中创建DataTable是否可以解决问题?

Yes, using a DataTable in C# is a step towards speeding up the operation. 是的,在C#中使用DataTable是加快操作速度的一步。 You then need to use it as a data source for SqlBulkCopy as Matt suggested in comments. 然后,您需要按照注释中的Matt要求将其用作SqlBulkCopy的数据源。

DataTable source = null;//your data source as a DataTable
SqlBulkCopy bulkCopy = new SqlBulkCopy("your connection string");
bulkCopy.DestinationTableName = "your target table name";
await bulkCopy.WriteToServerAsync(source);

You have few sql commands which can slow down the procedure response.. 您只有几个sql命令,这些命令可能会减慢过程响应。

  1. DELETE FROM OverrideTable WHERE ItemId = @LocItemId
  2. IF EXISTS (SELECT ItemId FROM InitialTable WHERE ItemId = @LocItemId) (Make sure you have index on ItemId) IF EXISTS (SELECT ItemId FROM InitialTable WHERE ItemId = @LocItemId) (确保在ItemId上具有索引)

Unless optimization on db level is not done, C# code can't do anything. 除非未在数据库级别进行优化,否则C#代码将无法执行任何操作。

And regarding c# code, I think you should create command inside foreach loop. 关于c#代码,我认为您应该在foreach循环内创建命令。

    foreach (var item in overrides)
        using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("up_UpdateOverrideTable", conn, tran))
            cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
                // add parameters here 

            var response = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();

            completedInserts.Add(new OverrideItem(item.Id, Convert.ToBoolean(response)));
catch (Exception ex)


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