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[英]SSRS css messing up?

So the last couple of days my dev webpage for ssrs has been looking really weird, as if it's not getting styled by css at all. 因此,最近几天,我的ssrs开发人员网页一直看起来很奇怪,好像根本没有使用CSS进行样式设置一样。 I'm not the only person that is seeing it like this. 我不是唯一看到这样的人。 We just rebooted the server and it didn't have any effect. 我们只是重新启动了服务器,但没有任何效果。 If you know what it causing this, please help. 如果您知道是什么原因造成的,请提供帮助。

another symptom is that i can't modify security settings now. 另一个症状是我现在无法修改安全设置。



If I were you, I would view the page using FF (firebug), and take a look in the head to see whether the CSS is being imported. 如果您是我,那么我将使用FF(萤火虫)查看该页面,并在头部看一下是否已导入CSS。

If it is, make sure the path is correct. 如果是,请确保路径正确。

A couple of general things come to mind... 我想到了一些一般的事情。

  • Make sure your IIS application/virtual directory settings are correct especially if you are using SSRS2005. 确保您的IIS应用程序/虚拟目录设置正确,尤其是在使用SSRS2005的情况下。 The default IIS applications are "Reports" and "ReportServer" 默认的IIS应用程序是“ Reports”和“ ReportServer”
  • Make sure the NTFS rights are correct for Local path. 确保本地路径的NTFS权限正确。 For example the default location for ReportServer is "c:\\Program Files\\Microsoft SQL Server\\MSSQL.3\\Reporting Services\\ReportServer" 例如,ReportServer的默认位置是“ c:\\ Program Files \\ Microsoft SQL Server \\ MSSQL.3 \\ Reporting Services \\ ReportServer”

In my experience when strange things like this are happening there are user rights/access issues. 以我的经验,当发生这种奇怪的事情时,会出现用户权限/访问问题。 Especially when you can't modify security settings. 尤其是当您无法修改安全设置时。



This may be a bit naive, but have you tried an offline version of the code? 这可能有点天真,但是您是否尝试过离线版本的代码?

Get the generated HTML via "view source" in your browser of choice, then get the stylesheet by accessing it directly from the same browser, using whatever the path is from the html (I recommend Google Chrome, as the view source provides clickable hyperlinks within the source). 在您选择的浏览器中通过“视图源”获取生成的HTML,然后通过使用相同的html路径直接从同一浏览器中访问样式表来获取样式表(我建议使用Google Chrome浏览器,因为视图源在其中提供了可点击的超链接来源)。 Put them both on your desktop, making sure the relative paths are preserved, and see what it looks like offline. 将它们都放在桌面上,确保保留了相对路径,然后离线查看它们。

I'm sure that the server/Microsoft produce all of this code and so it's SUPPOSED to work, so a missing closing tag or misplaced semi-colon is probably not the answer, but I have found more than once that pulling my output off the server and onto my desktop has made the problem go from mysterious to "Oh! Duh! /styles/style.css, not /Styles/style.css" etc etc. 我确定服务器/ Microsoft会产生所有这些代码,因此应该可以正常工作,因此丢失结束标记或分号放错可能不是答案,但是我发现不止一次,将输出从服务器并进入我的桌面,使问题从神秘变为“哦!O!/styles/style.css,而不是/Styles/style.css”等。

The problem can only be with your server if www doesn't have read/execute access to all of the right folders. 仅当www不具有对所有正确文件夹的读/执行访问权限时,问题才可能出在服务器上。 I find this really unlikely, but it's easy to check by simply trying to view the source code of the CSS. 我发现这确实不太可能,但是通过尝试查看CSS的源代码可以很容易地进行检查。 If you can, the problem is post-server output. 如果可以,则问题出在服务器后输出。

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