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将React Semantic-UI Menu.Item包装在锚标签中而不破坏其样式

[英]Wrap React Semantic-UI Menu.Item in anchor tag without ruining it styles

I have a React Semantic Ui menu which has to link to another page. 我有一个React Semantic Ui菜单,它必须链接到另一个页面。 I am trying to wrap it with an anchor tag, but this completely breaks the styles on the menu buttons. 我正在尝试用锚标记包装它,但这完全破坏了菜单按钮上的样式。 I would like to think I'm doing something wrong before assuming it's a but. 我想以为我在做错某事之前就做错了。

This is what my code currently looks like: 这是我的代码当前的样子:

<Menu tabular attached='top'>
   <a href={item1Url}><Menu.Item link>item1</Menu.Item></a>
   <a href={item2Url}><Menu.Item active link>Item 2</Menu.Item></a>

Before wrapping the Menu.Item with the a tag, this is what it currently looked like: 在使用a标签包装Menu.Item之前,这是当前的样子:


With the a tag wrapping it, it looks like this: 随着a标签包装它,它看起来像这样:


Not to mention that it disappears completely when I hover on it. 更不用说当我将鼠标悬停在上面时它会完全消失。 Am I doing something wrong? 难道我做错了什么?

If you look at the doc , you can directly add the href (and target ) attributes to the Menu.Item element. 如果您查看doc ,则可以将href属性(和target )直接添加到Menu.Item元素。

In your case the result would be: 在您的情况下,结果将是:

<Menu tabular attached='top'>
   <Menu.Item href="item1Url">item1</Menu.Item></a>
   <Menu.Item href="item2Url"active>Item 2</Menu.Item></a>

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