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[英]Linux: how to remove all the files in a folder except ones with specific names?

I have a folder in linux that contains .csv files of the results of some simulations.我在 linux 中有一个文件夹,其中包含一些模拟结果的.csv文件。

The name of the files are like:文件名如下:


I want to remove all the files except the ones with 15.0_10.0_T0_我想删除除15.0_10.0_T0_之外的所有文件

You could use the find command with its built in -delete feature but probably simpler if you just $ cp /path/to/dir/*15.0_10.0_T0_* /other/dir then remove the original directory.您可以使用具有内置 -delete 功能的find命令,但如果您只需$ cp /path/to/dir/*15.0_10.0_T0_* /other/dir然后删除原始目录,则可能更简单。 You can then move the new directory in place of the original.然后,您可以移动新目录来代替原来的目录。 You can remove the old directory with all its contents at once with $ rm -rf /path/to/dir .您可以使用$ rm -rf /path/to/dir一次性删除旧目录及其所有内容。

例如,如果您不想删除包含 15.0_10.0_T0_ 的文件,则可以使用 find:

find . -type f ! -name '*15.0_10.0_T0_*' -delete

Another variant to remove everything but the requested files:删除除请求文件之外的所有内容的另一种变体:

ls --ignore="*15.0_10.0_T0_*" | xargs rm

Or a shortened, don't ask and remove also dir version (take with care :) ):或者缩短,不要询问并删除 dir 版本(小心:)):

ls -I "*15.0_10.0_T0_*" | xargs rm -rf

use mv /dire/15.0_10.0_T0_* to destination dir then delete whole directory by using sudo rm -rf directory name.使用 mv /dire/15.0_10.0_T0_* 到目标目录,然后使用 sudo rm -rf 目录名删除整个目录。 Hope it works.希望它有效。


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