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ListView Flutter中的文本溢出问题

[英]Text overflow issue in ListView Flutter

I have a code with a floating button, textField and message list (ListView). 我有一个带有浮动按钮,textField和消息列表(ListView)的代码。

When user writes text to textField and presses the button, the text is appended to the ListView. 当用户将文本写入textField并按下按钮时,文本将附加到ListView。

The code to generate textField and ListView is below: 生成textField和ListView的代码如下:

body: new Column(children: 
      new Text(
        'You have pushed the button this many times:',
      new Text(
        style: Theme.of(context).textTheme.display1,
      new Flexible(
        fit: FlexFit.tight,
        child: new ListView.builder(
          padding: new EdgeInsets.all(8.0),
          itemExtent: 20.0,
          itemBuilder: (BuildContext context, int index) {
            return new Text(_getNthValue(index), overflow: TextOverflow.clip,);
          itemCount: _listTexts.length,
      new Divider(height: 2.0,),
      new TextField(
        controller: _controller,
        onChanged: _appendText,

The issue is between these two: textField and ListView. 问题在这两个之间:textField和ListView。 When the number of items exceeds the limits of space before the Divider, the ListView continues to render the data on top of it and the textField: see photo below. 当项目数超出分隔线之前的空间限制时,ListView继续在其上方和textField上呈现数据:请参见下图。


As you can see, three (3) of the last OKs on the bottom are overlapping their limits. 如您所见,底部的最后三个OK中的三(3)个重叠了它们的限制。 In web world you could paint the background of textField so that the overflow is invisible but I could not do that and no any other trick to get the problem solved. 在网络世界中,您可以绘制textField的背景,以使溢出不可见,但我无法做到这一点,也没有任何其他技巧可以解决问题。

Between the textField on top of the page (not visible on photo), all works ok, the bounce stops inside the element, if you try to scroll too much. 在页面顶部的textField(在照片上不可见)之间,一切正常,如果尝试滚动太多,则反弹在元素内停止。

What to do on the bottom, to make it obey the boundaries the same way as on top (no overflow)? 为了在底部遵循与顶部相同的方式(无溢出),该怎么做?

I found a solution. 我找到了解决方案。 You have to have a ClipRect attached to Flexible like follows: 您必须将ClipRect附加到Flexible,如下所示:

      new Flexible(
          new ClipRect(
              new ListView.builder(
                padding: new EdgeInsets.all(8.0),
                itemExtent: 20.0,
                itemBuilder: (BuildContext context, int index) {
                  return new Text(_getNthValue(index));
                itemCount: _listTexts.length,

Flexible tells the ListView not to extend more than screen and ClipRect takes care there are not too many items that would overflow the text area. 灵活的告诉ListView扩展的范围不要超过屏幕,而ClipRect会注意没有太多的项目会溢出文本区域。

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