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[英]React functional component, how to re-render after data is removed

Trying to remove an item from the database from a list view with a button. 尝试使用按钮从列表视图中从数据库中删除项目。

The data gets removed on click, but the component isnt removed from the page. 单击可删除数据,但不会从页面中删除组件。

How should I go about making it re-render after its removed? 移除后如何重新渲染?

I an not using redux for this 我没有为此使用redux

const EmailItem = ({email}) => (

      onClick={(e) => {
      axios.delete("/api/emails/delete/", {
        data: {email: email}

export default (EmailItem) 导出默认值(EmailItem)

Pass a handler/callback in props as onDelete from parent. 从父级传递道具中的处理程序/回调作为onDelete。 Calling onDelete inside axios success would call the callback body defined in parent... where essentially you would be having conditional state to show or hide this component. 在axios中成功调用onDelete会调用在parent中定义的回调主体...实际上,您将具有条件状态来显示或隐藏此组件。

Parent extends React.component {
constructor {
      showEmail: true
hideEmail =()=>this.setState({showEmail:false})
this.state.showEmail && {
<EmilItem onDelete={hideEmail} email = {your email}/>

and then change your existing EmailItem to: 然后将您现有的EmailItem更改为:

const EmailItem = ({email, onDelete}) => (

and handler to: 和处理程序可以:

onClick={(e) => { e.preventDefault();   

axios.delete("/api/emails/delete/",    { data: {email: email} }).then(){
} }

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