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Javascript / jQuery:在第一次AJAX调用成功时开始“闪烁”,在下一次停止

[英]Javascript/jQuery: start “blinking” on first AJAX call success, stop on next

I'm trying to achieve a "blinking" effect as to signal to the user that a background task is occurring: the button hovers/blinks while the Ajax call is being made, and comes back to full opacity when it's done. 我正在尝试实现一种“闪烁”效果,以向用户发出信号,表明正在执行后台任务:在进行Ajax调用时,该按钮会悬停/闪烁,并在完成后恢复为完全不透明。 However, I'm getting weird and inconsistent results. 但是,我得到的结果很奇怪且不一致。 The closest I got is this: 我最接近的是:

// globals are bad, I know
should_blink = true

// right before Ajax call
should_blink('#my-button', do_animate);

// inside Ajax call success
do_animate = false;
should_blink('#my-button', do_animate);

function should_blink(selector, do_animate) {
    if (do_animate) {
    $(selector).fadeOut(300, function () {
        $(this).fadeIn(300, function () {
            should_blink(this, do_animate);
            else {

Looks like the problem is $(this).fadeIn(300); 看起来问题是$(this).fadeIn(300); , the $(this) is not contained in a selected element... $(this)不在所选元素中...

if (do_animate) {
  $(selector).fadeOut(300, function () {
    $(this).fadeIn(300, function () {
      should_blink(this, do_animate);
} else {
  // $(this).fadeIn(300);

I solved this issue in a much simpler way by using CSS blink : 我通过使用CSS blink以一种更简单的方式解决了这个问题:

@-webkit-keyframes blinker {
  from {opacity: 1.0;}
  to {opacity: 0.0;}
    text-decoration: blink;
    -webkit-animation-name: blinker;
    -webkit-animation-duration: 0.6s;
    -webkit-animation-direction: alternate;

I then use jquery's respective AddClass and RemoveClass to trigger the animations. 然后,我使用jquery的各自的AddClassRemoveClass触发动画。

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