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[英]Want to pass class.getmethod arguments dynamically in run time java

I want to invoke a method from by giving methodName in runtime. 我想通过在运行时提供methodName来调用方法。 I can do it in below way. 我可以按照以下方式来做。

Method method = MyObject.class.getMethod("doSomething", String.class);
Object returnValue = method.invoke(null, "parameter-value1");

But I want to list down all the overloaded methods with that method name and the different set of arguments and let the user choose a particular overloaded method and dynamically pass those arguments in 但是我想列出所有带有该方法名称和不同参数集的重载方法,并让用户选择一个特定的重载方法并在其中动态传递这些参数。

Method method = MyObject.class.getMethod("doSomething", String.class);

instead of hardcoding String.class . 而不是对String.class进行硬编码。

suppose I have two methods like 假设我有两种方法


and overloaded method 和重载方法

methodName(String, int)

I want to let the user choose which one to pick in runtime and pass that information for getMethod function for that particular method. 我想让用户选择在运行时中选择哪个,并将该信息传递给该特定方法的getMethod函数。

How can I do this? 我怎样才能做到这一点?

We have a method called Class.forName(String) to load an instance of Class<?> by its name. 我们有一个称为Class.forName(String)的方法,用于通过其名称加载Class<?>的实例。

The problem is that we have to pass the fully qualified name of the desired class (including the name of a package). 问题是我们必须传递所需类的全限定名(包括包名)。 It means that Class.forName("String") is not going to work. 这意味着Class.forName("String")将无法正常工作。 Instead, we need to call it as Class.forName("java.lang.String") . 相反,我们需要将其称为Class.forName("java.lang.String")

We could have a map (or enum) to keep those Class<?> es. 我们可以有一个映射(或枚举)来保留这些Class<?> es。 Since we are expecting the user to collaborate, keys would be String s and the structure would be like Map<String, Class<?>> : 由于我们期望用户进行协作,因此键将为String ,结构将类似于Map<String, Class<?>>

user > string
we   < class java.util.String

Then, we should figure out how to parse method arguments according to their types - they are going to come as String s. 然后,我们应该弄清楚如何根据它们的类型解析方法参数-它们将作为String I would utilise a Function<String, ?> per type: 我会使用每个类型的Function<String, ?>

Function<String, T> converter = (String s) -> T.convertFromString(s);

To make it more clear for you, I wrote a simple, complete example for you: 为了使您更清楚,我为您编写了一个简单而完整的示例:

class Test {
    // prints s once
    public static void method(String s) {

    // prints s i times
    public static void method(String s, int i) {
        System.out.println(IntStream.rangeClosed(0, i - 1)
                .mapToObj($ -> s)
                .collect(Collectors.joining(" ")));

    public static void main(String[] args) {

    public static Object perform() {
        final Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in);

        // read the method name
        final String methodName = scanner.nextLine();

        final Method[] methods = Arrays.stream(Test.class.getDeclaredMethods())
                .filter(m -> m.getName().endsWith(methodName) && !m.isSynthetic())

        // read the method parameter types in the format "type1 type2"
        final String rawMethodParametersTypes = scanner.nextLine();

        final SupportedType[] methodParameterTypes = Arrays.stream(rawMethodParametersTypes.split(" "))
                .map(p -> SupportedType.valueOf(p.toUpperCase()))

        final Optional<Method> selectedMethod = Arrays.stream(methods)
                .filter(m -> Arrays.equals(Arrays.stream(methodParameterTypes)
                        .map(SupportedType::getType).toArray(Class<?>[]::new), m.getParameterTypes()))

        if (!selectedMethod.isPresent()) {
            return null;

        final Method method = selectedMethod.get();

        // read method arguments in the format "arg1 arg2"
        final String rawMethodArgumentsLine = scanner.nextLine();
        final String[] rawMethodArguments = rawMethodArgumentsLine.split(" ");

        final int expectedLength = method.getParameterCount();
        if (rawMethodArguments.length != expectedLength) {
            return null;

        Object[] methodArguments = new Object[expectedLength];
        for (int i = 0; i < expectedLength; ++i) {
            methodArguments[i] = methodParameterTypes[i].getConverter().apply(rawMethodArguments[i]);

        try {
            return method.invoke(null, methodArguments);
        } catch (IllegalAccessException | InvocationTargetException e) {

        return null;

I introduced an enum SupportedType to declare the types we are going to support and which the user might encounter with while choosing the signature. 我引入了一个枚举SupportedType来声明我们将要支持的类型以及用户在选择签名时可能遇到的类型。

public enum SupportedType {
    STRING(String.class, s -> s),
    INT(int.class, Integer::valueOf);

    private final Class<?> type;

    private final Function<String, Object> converter;

Here are input-output examples for method(String, int) 这是method(String, int)输入输出示例

> method
> string int
> hello 5
< hello hello hello hello hello

and method(String) method(String)

> method
> string
> hello
< hello

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