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[英]How can I write this else if statement more efficiently?

I have a page with some css custom buttons and I want the selected button to stay highlighted when a user clicks elsewhere on the page. 我有一个带有一些css自定义按钮的页面,我希望当用户点击页面上的其他位置时,所选按钮会保持突出显示。 I can get what I want writing an if/else statement to assign a class when a button is selected and a different class if it's not selected but it's long winded, how can I write it to be more efficient? 我可以得到我想写一个if / else语句来在选择一个按钮时分配一个类,如果没有选择但是它已经长时间啰嗦,我可以编写它以提高效率吗?

<input class="btn" id="moveIt_overall2" type="button" value="Overall" onclick="changeImpactState('impact_overall');"/>
<input class="btn" id="moveIt_customer" type="button" value="Customer" onclick="changeImpactState('impact_customer');" />
<input class="btn" id="moveIt_staff" type="button" value="Staff" onclick="changeImpactState('impact_staff');" />
<input class="btn" id="moveIt_strategic" type="button" value="Strategic" onclick="changeImpactState('impact_strategic');" />

var moveItOverall = document.getElementById('moveIt_overall2');
var moveItCustomer = document.getElementById('moveIt_customer');
var moveItStaff = document.getElementById('moveIt_staff');
var moveItStrategic = document.getElementById('moveIt_strategic');

if(currentImpactState == 'impact_overall'){
    moveItOverall.className = 'btn-on';
    moveItCustomer.className = 'btn';
    moveItStaff.className = 'btn';
    moveItStrategic.className = 'btn';
}else if(currentImpactState == 'impact_customer'){
    moveItOverall.className = 'btn';
    moveItCustomer.className = 'btn-on';
    moveItStaff.className = 'btn';
    moveItStrategic.className = 'btn';
}else if(currentImpactState == 'impact_staff'){
    moveItOverall.className = 'btn';
    moveItCustomer.className = 'btn';
    moveItStaff.className = 'btn-on';
    moveItStrategic.className = 'btn';
}else if(currentImpactState == 'impact_strategic'){
    moveItOverall.className = 'btn';
    moveItCustomer.className = 'btn';
    moveItStaff.className = 'btn';
    moveItStrategic.className = 'btn-on';

You are essentially mapping your currentImpactState to an ID in your DOM. 您实际上是将currentImpactState映射到DOM中的ID。 You can explicitly make this map and then use it to find the object you want to change. 您可以显式制作此地图,然后使用它来查找要更改的对象。

const buttons = {
    impact_overall: 'moveIt_overall2',
    impact_customer: 'moveIt_customer',
    impact_staff: 'moveIt_staff',
    impact_strategic: 'moveIt_strategic'

// change everything
Object.values(buttons).forEach(id => document.getElementById(id).className = 'btn' )
// change the item currentImpactState indicates
document.getElementById(buttons[currentImpactState]).className = 'btn-on'

Extract the second part of the currentImpactState string, and then iterate over an array of the IDs, checking whether the ID includes the substring or not. 提取currentImpactState字符串的第二部分,然后迭代ID数组,检查ID是否包含子字符串。 If it does, set to btn-on , else set to btn : 如果是,则设置为btn-on ,否则设置为btn

const substr = currentImpactState.slice(7);
['moveIt_overall2', 'moveIt_customer', 'moveIt_staff', 'moveIt_strategic'].forEach(id => {
  const element = document.getElementById(id);
  element.className = id.includes(substr)
    ? 'btn-on'
    : 'btn';

Here's a simple improvement example. 这是一个简单的改进示例。

moveItOverall.className = 'btn';
moveItCustomer.className = 'btn';
moveItStaff.className = 'btn';
moveItStrategic.className = 'btn';

if(currentImpactState == 'impact_overall'){
    moveItOverall.className = 'btn-on';
}else if(currentImpactState == 'impact_customer'){
    moveItCustomer.className = 'btn-on';
}else if(currentImpactState == 'impact_staff'){
    moveItStaff.className = 'btn-on';
}else if(currentImpactState == 'impact_strategic'){
    moveItStrategic.className = 'btn-on';

Update 更新

Because forEach is not supported in earlier version browser, change Mark Meyer's answer to simple JavaScript as below: 因为在早期版本的浏览器中不支持forEach ,所以将Mark Meyer的答案更改为简单的JavaScript,如下所示:

const buttons = {
    impact_overall: 'moveIt_overall2',
    impact_customer: 'moveIt_customer',
    impact_staff: 'moveIt_staff',
    impact_strategic: 'moveIt_strategic'

for(var key in buttons)
    // if key equals currentImpactState
    // then set className as btn-on
    // else set to 'btn'
    document.getElementById(buttons[key]).className = (currentImpactState == key)? 'btn-on' : 'btn';

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