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[英]Files saved by carrierwave is being gotten visible to users not logged in

Current Detail 当前细节

[Env] [Env]

nginx puma mysql Rails == 5.1.5 Nginx的美洲狮MySQL的Rails == 5.1.5

I mounted carrierwave to upload pictures and files in a post. 我安装了carrierwave,以便在帖子中上传图片和文件。

[Case] [案件]

Users not logged in type the file URL in browser, then they can access and view the file. 未登录的用户在浏览器中键入文件URL,然后他们可以访问和查看文件。

[Ideal] [理想]

Only users logged in is accessible to the file. 该文件只能访问登录的用户。

The file path is "uploads/post/images/1234(post_id)/sample.png". 文件路径为“ uploads / post / images / 1234(post_id)/sample.png”。 So far, I locate uploads directory under public, app/assets/, and root directory in vain. 到目前为止,我在public,app / assets /和根目录下都找不到上载目录。

Any answers or suggestions are appreciated. 任何答案或建议,不胜感激。

Source 资源

Rails.application.routes.draw do
  get 'users/index'
  get 'users/show'
  get 'posts/index'

  devise_for :users, module: :users
  resources :users, :only => [:index, :show]

  get "/" => "posts#index"
  get "posts/like_ranking" => "posts#like_rank"
  get "posts/post_count_ranking" => "posts#post_count"
  get "posts/tags_search" => "posts#tags_search"
  get "posts/new" => "posts#new"
  get "posts/:id/reply" => "posts#new"
  post "posts/create" => "posts#create"
  get "posts/:id" => "posts#show"
  get "posts/:id/edit" => "posts#edit"
  post "posts/:id/update" => "posts#update"
  post "posts/:id/destroy" => "posts#destroy"

  get 'tags/:tag', to: 'posts#index', as: :tag

  get "users/:id/likes" => "users#likes"
  get "users/:id/reply" => "users#reply"

  resources :posts, only: %w(index)

  resources :posts, shallow: true do
    resources :likes, only: [:create, :destroy]


class ImageUploader < CarrierWave::Uploader::Base
  # Choose what kind of storage to use for this uploader:
  storage :file

  # Override the directory where uploaded files will be stored.
  # This is a sensible default for uploaders that are meant to be mounted:
  def store_dir

All assets under the public folder is served by nginx . 所有资产规模public文件夹是由服务nginx In order to make it available for logged users you can first upload files to other directory than public and create action which serve files by Rails app from that directory and check if users logged before serving. 为了使登录用户可以使用它,您可以首先将文件上传到public目录以外的其他目录,并创建由Rails应用程序从该目录提供文件的操作,并检查用户在提供服务之前是否已登录。

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