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Python 假设:确保输入列表具有相同的长度

[英]Python hypothesis: Ensure that input lists have same length

I'm using hypothesis to test a function that takes two lists of equal length as input.我正在使用假设来测试一个将两个长度相等的列表作为输入的函数。

import hypothesis.strategies as st
from hypothesis import assume, given

@given(st.lists(ints, min_size=1),
       st.lists(ints, min_size=1),
def test_my_func(x, y):
    assume(len(x) == len(y))

    # Assertions

This gives me the error message:这给了我错误信息:

FailedHealthCheck: It looks like your strategy is filtering out a lot of data. FailedHealthCheck:看起来您的策略正在过滤掉大量数据。 Health check found 50 filtered examples but only 4 good ones.健康检查发现了 50 个过滤的示例,但只有 4 个很好的示例。

The assumption that len(x) == len(y) is filtering out too many inputs. len(x) == len(y)过滤掉太多输入的假设。 So I would like to generate a random positive number and use that as the length of both x and y .所以我想生成一个随机正数并将其用作xy的长度。 Is there a way this can be done?有没有办法做到这一点?

I found an answer using the @composite decorator.我使用@composite装饰器找到了答案。

import hypothesis.strategies as st
from hypothesis import given

def same_len_lists(draw):

    n = draw(st.integers(min_value=1, max_value=50))
    fixed_length_list = st.lists(st.integers(), min_size=n, max_size=n)

    return (draw(fixed_length_list), draw(fixed_length_list))

def test_my_func(lists):

    x, y = lists

    # Assertions

You can use flatmap to generate data that depends on other generated data.您可以使用flatmap生成依赖于其他生成数据的数据。

import hypothesis.strategies as st
from hypothesis import assume, given
from hypothesis.strategies import integers as ints

same_len_lists = ints(min_value=1, max_value=100).flatmap(lambda n: st.lists(st.lists(ints(), min_size=n, max_size=n), min_size=2, max_size=2))

def test_my_func(lists):
    x, y = lists
    assume(len(x) == len(y))

It's a little clumsy, and I'm not very happy about having to unpack the lists inside the test body.这有点笨拙,我对不得不在测试体中解压列表不太高兴。

The other solutions give nice reusable strategies.其他解决方案提供了很好的可重用策略。 Here's a short low-tech solution, perhaps better suited to one-off use since you need to do one line of processing in the test function.这是一个简短的低技术解决方案,可能更适合一次性使用,因为您需要在测试功能中进行一行处理。 We use zip to tranpose a list of pairs (2-element tuples);我们使用 zip 来转置对列表(2 元素元组); conceptually we're turning a nx 2 matrix into a 2 xn matrix.从概念上讲,我们将nx 2矩阵转换为2 xn矩阵。

import hypothesis.strategies as st
from hypothesis import given

pair_lists = st.lists(st.tuples(st.integers(), st.integers()), min_size=1)

def test_my_func(L):
    x, y = map(list, zip(*L))

Warning: It is crucial to have min_size=1 because zip will give nothing if the list is empty.警告:使min_size=1至关重要,因为如果列表为空, zip将不会给出任何内容。


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