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Raspberry Pi与Arduino之间的简单2路串行通信

[英]Simple 2-way serial communication between Raspberry Pi and Arduino

I want to do simple 2-way serial communication between my Raspberry Pi and my Arduino. 我想在Raspberry Pi和Arduino之间进行简单的2路串行通信。 This is for a project in which I will replace the Arduino with another serial device which I don't yet have. 这是针对一个项目的,我将用另一个我没有的串行设备替换Arduino。

I've done 1-way communication ( https://maker.pro/raspberry-pi/tutorial/how-to-connect-and-interface-raspberry-pi-with-arduino ) from the Arduino to the Raspberry Pi, but am having a little trouble with 2-way. 我已经完成了从Arduino到Raspberry Pi的单向通信( https://maker.pro/raspberry-pi/tutorial/how-to-connect-and-interface-raspberry-pi-with-arduino ),但是在使用2向时遇到了一些麻烦。 The Arduino code I use is from this example: https://www.arduino.cc/en/Serial/Read : 我使用的Arduino代码来自以下示例: https : //www.arduino.cc/en/Serial/Read

int incomingByte = 0;   // for incoming serial data

void setup() {
        Serial.begin(9600);     // opens serial port, sets data rate to 9600 bps

void loop() {

        // send data only when you receive data:
        if (Serial.available() > 0) {
                // read the incoming byte:
                incomingByte = Serial.read();

                // say what you got:
                Serial.print("I received: ");
                Serial.println(incomingByte, DEC);

And the Python code I use is this: 我使用的Python代码是这样的:

import serial
import time
ser = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyACM1',9600)
var1 = "3"
while True:
    print read_serial

After looking through the net I have changed the value to be sent from just ser.write('3') to a string 'var1' and put '.encode()' after in order to encode to bytes. 看完网络后,我将要发送的值从ser.write('3')更改为字符串'var1',并在其后放置了'.encode()',以便对字节进行编码。 No errors come, but nothing happens/is being written out. 没有错误出现,但是没有任何反应/正在被写出。

The goal for this is for Raspberry Pi to send a '3' to the Arduino and the Arduino to respond with 'I've received: 3' which should be printed in the Raspberry Pi/Python's terminal window. Raspberry Pi的目标是向Arduino发送“ 3”,而Arduino则以“我收到:3”作为响应,该信息应打印在Raspberry Pi / Python的终端窗口中。 From there I imagine that I can make it more complex towards my goal of sending a command like this: '0 30 50 100' which the device I don't have would respond to. 从那里,我可以想象我可以使它更复杂,以实现发送如下命令的目标:“ 0 30 50 100”,我没有的设备会响应。

I appreciate any help. 感谢您的帮助。 Thank you. 谢谢。

In my project my goal is to establish two-way data exchange between Arduino and Raspberry Pi via serial interface. 在我的项目中,我的目标是通过串行接口在Arduino和Raspberry Pi之间建立双向数据交换。 The Raspberry Pi sends the Arduino command to execute, Arduino sends the Raspberry Pi sensor readings (currently a random number). Raspberry Pi发送Arduino命令执行,Arduino发送Raspberry Pi传感器读数(当前为随机数)。

Currently, the project includes two scripts for Raspberry Pi, written on Python, and a program for Arduino. 当前,该项目包括两个用Python编写的Raspberry Pi脚本和一个Arduino程序。 The first script for Raspberry Pi using the URWID library organizes the graphical interface and command input, the second script is used to communicate with a serial port. 使用URWID库的Raspberry Pi的第一个脚本用于组织图形界面和命令输入,第二个脚本用于与串行端口通信。 The sources are given below. 资料来源如下。 The result of the operation is quite satisfactory, but maybe somewhere I'm doing something wrong? 手术的结果是令人满意的,但是也许在我做某事的地方? Is this solution of the problem correct? 这个问题的解决方案正确吗?

Arduino software: Arduino软件:

#define SERIAL_SPEED 19200 // the speed of the serial port
#define READ_SENSOR_INTERVAL 1000UL  // frequency of output to the serial port 

int IN1 = 7; 
int IN2 = 6;
int IN3 = 5;
int IN4 = 4;
int ENA = 9;
int ENB = 3;

char command     = 'S';
char prevCommand = 'A';
int velocity = (4 + 1) * 10 + 100; // the fill factor of the PWM

unsigned long timer0 = 2000; 
unsigned long timer1 = 0;    

long randNumber;
long myflag = 0;

void setup() {
  pinMode (ENA, OUTPUT);
  pinMode (IN1, OUTPUT);
  pinMode (IN2, OUTPUT);
  pinMode (ENB, OUTPUT);
  pinMode (IN4, OUTPUT);
  pinMode (IN3, OUTPUT);

void loop()
  static unsigned long prevSensorTime = 0;
  if (millis() - prevSensorTime > READ_SENSOR_INTERVAL) {
    prevSensorTime = millis();
    if (myflag == 1)
      randNumber = random(300);

  if (Serial.available() > 0) {
    timer1 = millis();
    prevCommand = command;
    command = Serial.read();
    myflag = 1;
    if (command != prevCommand) {
      switch (command) {
        case 'W':
          // Вперёд
          analogWrite(ENA, 0);
          analogWrite(ENB, 0);
          digitalWrite (IN2, LOW);
          digitalWrite (IN1, HIGH);
          digitalWrite (IN4, LOW);
          digitalWrite (IN3, HIGH);
          analogWrite(ENA, velocity);
          analogWrite(ENB, velocity);

        case 'A':
          analogWrite(ENA, 0);
          analogWrite(ENB, 0);
          digitalWrite (IN2, LOW);
          digitalWrite (IN1, HIGH);
          digitalWrite (IN4, HIGH);
          digitalWrite (IN3, LOW);
          analogWrite(ENA, velocity);
          analogWrite(ENB, velocity);
        case 'S':
          analogWrite(ENA, 0);
          analogWrite(ENB, 0);
          digitalWrite (IN2, HIGH);
          digitalWrite (IN1, LOW);
          digitalWrite (IN4, HIGH);
          digitalWrite (IN3, LOW);

          analogWrite(ENA, velocity);
          analogWrite(ENB, velocity);
        case 'D':
          analogWrite(ENA, 0);
          analogWrite(ENB, 0);
          // A
          digitalWrite (IN2, HIGH);
          digitalWrite (IN1, LOW);
          // B
          digitalWrite (IN4, LOW);
          digitalWrite (IN3, HIGH);
          analogWrite(ENA, velocity);
          analogWrite(ENB, velocity);
        case ' ': 
          //velocity = 0;
          analogWrite(ENA, 0);
          analogWrite(ENB, 0);
          if ((command >= 48) && (command <= 57)) {
            if (command == 48)
              velocity = 0;
              velocity = (command - 48 + 1) * 10 + 100;
  else {
    timer0 = millis();  // Получение текущего времени
    if ((unsigned long)(timer0 - timer1) > 20000) {
      analogWrite(ENA, 0);
      analogWrite(ENB, 0);
      prevCommand = ' ';

Python GUI script Python GUI脚本

from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import, division
import subprocess
import urwid
import serial
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
from time import sleep

def exit_on_q(key):
    global power
    global ser
    global spower
    global p
    global currc

    if key in ('q', 'Q'):
        raise urwid.ExitMainLoop()

    if key in ('w', 'W'):
    # forward
        currc = 'W - Forward'

    if key in ('a', 'A'):
    # Left
        currc = 'A - Left'

    if key in ('s', 'S'):
    # Backward
        currc = 'S - Backward'

    if key in ('d', 'D'):
    # Right
        currc = 'D - Right'

    if key in (' '):
    # Stop
        currc = 'Space - Stop'
        p.stdin.write(b' \n')

    if key in ('+'):
        if (power < 99):
            power = power + 10 
            spower = spower + 1
            txt_CP.set_text(('banner', str(power)))

    if key in ('-'):
        if (power > 0):
            power = power - 10
            spower = spower - 1
            txt_CP.set_text(('banner', str(power)))

    txt_CCV.set_text(('banner', currc))

def enter_idle():

def update_text(read_data):
    txt_Q.set_text(('banner', read_data))

if __name__ == '__main__':

    currc = "No command"

    palette = [
        ('banner', 'black', 'light gray'),
        ('streak', 'black', 'dark blue'),
        ('bg', 'black', 'dark blue'),]

    # spower = 0..9 (48 .. 57)
    spower = 4
    power = spower * 10

    txt_F = urwid.Text(('banner', u"W - Forward (\u2191)"), align='center')
    txt_LRS = urwid.Text(('banner', u"\u2190 A - Left | Space - Stop | D - Right \u2192"), align='center')
    txt_B = urwid.Text(('banner', u"S - Backward (\u2193)"), align='center')
    txt_P = urwid.Text(('banner', u"'+' Increase motor power | '-' Decrease motor power"), align='center')
    txt_C = urwid.Text(('banner', u"Current power:"), align='center')

    txt_CP = urwid.Text(('banner', str(power)), align='center')

    # current command
    txt_CC = urwid.Text(('banner', u"Current command: "), align='center')
    txt_CCV = urwid.Text(('banner', u"No command"), align='center')

    txt_Log = urwid.Text(('banner', u"Log: "), align='center')
    txt_LogV = urwid.Text(('banner', u""), align='center')

    txt_Q = urwid.Text(('banner', u"Q - Quit"), align='center')

    #empty string
    txt_E = urwid.Text(('banner', u""), align='center')

    pile = urwid.Pile([txt_F, txt_LRS, txt_B, txt_E, txt_P, txt_C, txt_CP, txt_E, txt_CC, txt_CCV, txt_E, txt_Log, txt_LogV, txt_E, txt_Q ])
    top = urwid.Filler(pile, top = 5)

    loop = urwid.MainLoop(top, palette, unhandled_input=exit_on_q, handle_mouse=False)

    stdout = loop.watch_pipe(update_text)
    stderr = loop.watch_pipe(update_text)   
    p = subprocess.Popen(['python3', 'shell_edt.py'], stdin = PIPE, stdout = stdout, stderr = stdout, shell = False)    

Python communication script Python通讯脚本

import sys
import threading
import serial
from time import sleep

global currcomm

readtimer = 1 # 

def read():
    global serialport
    global currcomm

    threading.Timer(readtimer, read).start()

    if (currcomm != -1):
        data = serialport.read(10);
        print(str(data) + " : "  + str(len(data)))
        #sleep(0.5)     '''     

serialport = serial.Serial("/dev/ttyACM0", 19200, timeout=0.2)
data = serialport.read(100);

currcomm = -1

threading.Timer(readtimer, read).start()

while True:
    currcomm = input()

    if (currcomm == 'S') or (currcomm == 'D') or (currcomm == 'W') or (currcomm == 'A') or (currcomm == ' '):
        serialport.write(bytes(currcomm, encoding = 'utf-8'));
    if (currcomm == 'Q'):
        serialport.close() # Only executes once the loop exits

I am late in replying to you but i hope this will help some one else. 我答复您很晚,但我希望这会对其他人有所帮助。 I was trying to have a two way communication where i can send and receive string data from both sides and here is what i did:- 我试图进行双向通信,可以从双方发送和接收字符串数据,这就是我所做的:
Arduino side:- Arduino方面:-

void setup() {
   Serial.begin(9600); // begin transmission
void loop() {
  String val;
  while (Serial.available() > 0) {
    val = val + (char)Serial.read(); // read data byte by byte and store it
  Serial.print(val); // send the received data back to raspberry pi

On the raspberry side i have(python):- 在覆盆子方面,我有(python):-

import serial
port = "/dev/ttyACM0"#put your port here
baudrate = 9600
ser = serial.Serial(port, baudrate)
def tell(msg):
    msg = msg + '\n'
    x = msg.encode('ascii') # encode n send

def hear():
    msg = ser.read_until() # read until a new line
    mystring = msg.decode('ascii')  # decode n return 
    return mystring

while True:
    val = input() # take user input
    tell(val) # send it to arduino
    var = hear() # listen to arduino
    print(var) #print what arduino sent

I hope it is clear that Arduino receives message from raspberry pi and sends the same thing back to Arduino. 我希望很明显,Arduino可以从树莓派上接收消息,并将相同的内容发送回Arduino。 Similarly, you could do some other stuff with it. 同样,您可以使用它进行其他操作。

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