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Spring Boot 2执行器端点无法访问Jersey

[英]Spring Boot 2 Actuator endpoints inaccessible with Jersey

I have a very simple demo application using the Spring Boot 2.0.x.RELEASE 我有一个使用Spring Boot 2.0.x.RELEASE的非常简单的演示应用程序

In my POM I have: 在我的POM中,我有:

    <relativePath/> <!-- lookup parent from repository -->


                <!-- We're using undertow as our embedded web container instead of tomcat -->

    <!-- Embedded web container- serves Jersey resources -->

    <!-- Support for Spring Actuator & Health Check Endpoints -->



My main application just looks like: 我的主要应用程序看起来像:

public class DemoApplication {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        SpringApplication.run(DemoApplication.class, args);

    ResourceConfig getJerseyConfig() {
        final HashMap<String, Object> jerseyProperties = new HashMap<>();
        jerseyProperties.put(ServerProperties.MEDIA_TYPE_MAPPINGS, "json : application/json");
        ResourceConfig resourceConfig = new ResourceConfig()
        resourceConfig = resourceConfig.setProperties(jerseyProperties);

        return resourceConfig;

When I then try and hit an actuator endpoint such as /actuator I receive a 404, but I can hit the endpoints in TestEndpoints.java with no problem. 当我尝试击中执行器端点(如/actuator我收到404,但我可以在TestEndpoints.java点击端点没有问题。 I had this working with Spring Boot 1.5.x, but now it seems that Jersey is not allowing the actuator endpoints through. 我有这个使用Spring Boot 1.5.x,但现在看来Jersey不允许执行器端点通过。 If I remove the ResourceConfig bean completely, then I can hit the actuator endpoints. 如果我完全删除ResourceConfig bean,那么我可以点击执行器端点。 Is there some configuration I have to add to allow the actuator endpoints through jersey? 是否有一些配置我必须添加以允许执行器端点通过泽西?

It's because by default Jersey will use the url mapping /* , which will hog up all requests, including those to the actuator endpoints, which it will not find. 这是因为默认情况下,泽西岛将使用url mapping /* ,这将占用所有请求,包括那些它将找不到的执行器端点。 There are two solutions; 有两种解决方案; you can either change the base URL for Jersey to something else, eg /api/* or you can configure Jersey as a filter (instead of the default servlet) and set a property to make Jersey forward all requests it doesn't know down to the servlet container. 您可以将Jersey的基本URL更改为其他内容,例如/api/*或者您可以将Jersey配置为过滤器(而不是默认的servlet)并设置一个属性以使Jersey将所有不知道的请求转发到servlet容器。 Both examples can be found in this post . 这两个例子都可以在这篇文章中找到。

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