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[英]Date validation not working for PDF with three text boxes (WAS WORKING)

I am working with Adobe Acrobat XI Pro. 我正在使用Adobe Acrobat XI Pro。 I am using three text boxes for the date with the code below: 我在日期中使用三个文本框,其代码如下:

var month = this.getField("DATE_MONTH").valueAsString;
var day = this.getField("DATE_DAY").valueAsString;
var year = this.getField("DATE_YEAR").valueAsString;
var date = month + "/" + day + "/" + year;
var test_date = new Date();

if(date != test_date){
    app.alert("The entered value needs to be TODAY'S date in the format mm/dd/yyyy");

Originally, this code was working-- only throwing an error if the date chosen was not today's date. 最初,此代码有效-仅在选择的日期不是今天的日期时抛出错误。 Now I get an error no matter what date is chosen. 现在,无论选择什么日期,我都会出错。

Variable date is a string in the format m/d/y, but test_date is a Date object. 可变日期是格式为m / d / y的字符串,而test_date是Date对象。 The != comparison will force the Date to be converted to a string, now the comparison is effectively: !=比较将强制将Date转换为字符串,现在比较有效:

date != test_date.toString();

Since the next version of ECMA-262 requires Date.prototype.toString to return a string in RFC 2822 format (eg Mon, 25 Dec 1995 13:30:00 GMT), most new browsers are implementing the format now. 由于下一版ECMA-262要求Date.prototype.toString返回RFC 2822格式的字符串(例如,星期一,1995年12月25日13:30:00 GMT),所以大多数新的浏览器现在都在实现该格式。 The RFC format does not match a string in the format m/d/y so the comparison will always evaluate to true, RFC格式与m / d / y格式的字符串不匹配,因此比较结果始终为true,

Eg 例如

'12/25/1995' != 'Mon, 25 Dec 1995 13:30:00 GMT'

will always be true for any date when using those formats. 使用这些格式的任何日期都将始终为true。 For an answer, see Compare two dates with JavaScript . 有关答案,请参阅比较两个日期与JavaScript

Just to help out, I don't know anything about ECMAScript in PDFs, but you may be able to do: 只是为了提供帮助,我对PDF中的ECMAScript一无所知,但是您可以执行以下操作:

var month = this.getField("DATE_MONTH").valueAsString;
var day = this.getField("DATE_DAY").valueAsString;
var year = this.getField("DATE_YEAR").valueAsString;

// Compare date time values with time set to 00:00:00
if (+new Date(year, month - 1, day) != new Date().setHours(0,0,0,0))

The unary + will convert the Date to a number, and the return value from setHours is the new time value (also a number) so both values will be coerced to number. 一元+会将Date转换为数字,而setHours的返回值是新的时间值(也是一个数字),因此这两个值都将被强制转换为数字。 If you want something more explicit, consider: 如果您想要更明确的说明,请考虑:

if (new Date(year, month - 1, day).getTime() != new Date().setHours(0,0,0,0))

 var d = new Date(); var day = d.getDate(); var month = d.getMonth() + 1; var year = d.getFullYear(); // Is today != today? console.log( +new Date(year, month - 1, day) != new Date().setHours(0,0,0,0)); // Is today != tomorrow? console.log( new Date(year, month - 1, day + 1).getTime() != new Date().setHours(0,0,0,0)); 


This: test_date.setDate(test_date.getDate()) does nothing useful. 这: test_date.setDate(test_date.getDate())没什么用。 It just sets test_date 's date to the same value that it already has. 它只是将test_date的日期设置为已经具有的相同值。 ;-) ;-)

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