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[英]Stripping HTML tags in Java

Is there an existing Java library which provides a method to strip all HTML tags from a String? 是否有现有的Java库提供了从String中剥离所有HTML标记的方法? I'm looking for something equivalent to the strip_tags function in PHP. 我正在寻找与PHP中的strip_tags函数等效的东西。

I know that I can use a regex as described in this Stackoverflow question , however I was curious if there may already be a stripTags() method floating around somewhere in the Apache Commons library that can be used. 我知道我可以使用这个Stackoverflow问题中描述的正则表达式,但是我很好奇是否已经有一个stripTags()方法浮动在Apache Commons库中可以使用的某个地方。

Use JSoup , it's well documented, available on Maven and after a day of spending time with several libraries, for me, it is the best one i can imagine.. My own opinion is, that a job like that, parsing html into plain-text, should be possible in one line of code -> otherwise the library has failed somehow... just saying ^^ So here it is, the one-liner of JSoup - in Markdown4J, something like that is not possible, in Markdownj too, in htmlCleaner this is pain in the ass with somewhat about 50 lines of code... 使用JSoup ,它有很好的文档记录,可以在Maven上使用,经过一天的花费时间与几个库,对我来说,它是我能想象的最好的..我自己的意见是,这样的工作,解析html到plain-文本,应该可以在一行代码 - >否则库已经以某种方式失败...只是说^^所以这里是,JSoup的单行 - 在Markdown4J,类似的东西是不可能的,在Markdownj ,在htmlCleaner中,这有点大约50行代码的痛苦...

String plain = new HtmlToPlainText().getPlainText(Jsoup.parse(html));

And what you got is real plain-text (not just the html-source-code as a String, like in other libs lol) -> he really does a great job on that. 你得到的是真正的纯文本(不仅仅是作为字符串的html源代码,就像在其他库中一样) - >他真的做得很好。 It is more or less the same quality as Markdownify for PHP.... 它与Markdownify for PHP或多或少相同的质量....

This is what I found on google on it. 这是我在谷歌上发现的。 For me it worked fine. 对我来说它工作得很好。

String noHTMLString = htmlString.replaceAll("\\<.*?\\>", "");

Whatever you do, make sure you normalize the data before you start trying to strip tags. 无论您做什么,请确保在开始尝试剥离标记之前对数据进行标准化。 I recently attended a web app security workshop that covered XSS filter evasion. 我最近参加了一个涵盖XSS过滤器规避的Web应用安全研讨会。 One would normally think that searching for < or &lt; 人们通常会认为搜索<&lt; or its hex equivalent would be sufficient. 或其十六进制等效就足够了。 I was blown away after seeing a slide with 70 ways that < can be encoded to beat filters. 我看到与70点的方式滑动后吹走<可以被编码到打滤波器。

Update: 更新:

Below is the presentation I was referring to, see slide 26 for the 70 ways to encode < . 下面是我所指的演示文稿,请参阅幻灯片26,了解70种编码方式<

Filter Evasion: Houdini on the Wire 过滤器逃避:电线上的Houdini

There may be some, but the most robust thing is to use an actual HTML parser. 可能有一些,但最强大的是使用实际的HTML解析器。 There's one here , and if it's reasonably well formed, you can also use SAX or another XML parser. 有一个在这里 ,如果它是相当不错形成,也可以使用SAX或另一个XML分析器。

After having this question open for almost a week, I can say with some certainty that there is no method available in the Java API or Apache libaries which strips HTML tags from a String. 在将这个问题打开将近一周之后,我可以肯定地说,Java API或Apache库中没有可用的方法从String中删除HTML标记。 You would either have to use an HTML parser as described in the previous answers, or write a simple regular expression to strip out the tags. 您可能必须使用前面答案中描述的HTML解析器,或者编写一个简单的正则表达式来去除标记。

When using Jsoup it's even easier than described in above answers: 使用Jsoup时,它比上面的答案更容易:

String html = "bla <b>hehe</b> <br> this is awesome simple";

String text = Jsoup.parse(html).text();

I've used nekoHtml to do that. 我用过nekoHtml来做到这一点。 It can strip all tags but it can just as easily keep or strip a subset of tags. 它可以剥离所有标签,但它可以轻松地保留或剥离标签的子集。

I know that this question is quite old, but I have been looking for this too and it seems that it is still not easy to find a good and easy solution in java. 我知道这个问题已经很老了,但我一直在寻找这个问题,似乎在java中找到一个好的和简单的解决方案似乎仍然不容易。

Today I came across this little functions lib. 今天我遇到了这个小函数库。 It actually attempts to imitate the php strip_tags function. 它实际上试图模仿php strip_tags函数。

http://jmelo.lyncode.com/java-strip_tags-php-function/ http://jmelo.lyncode.com/java-strip_tags-php-function/

It works like this (copied from their site): 它的工作原理如下(从他们的网站复制):

    import static com.lyncode.jtwig.functions.util.HtmlUtils.stripTags;

    public class StripTagsExample {
      public static void main(String... args) {
        String result = stripTags("<!-- <a href='test'></a>--><a>Test</a>", "");
        // Produced result: Test

Hi I know this thread is old but it still came out tops on Google, and I was looking for a quick fix to the same problem. 嗨,我知道这个帖子已经老了,但它仍然出现在谷歌的顶部,我正在寻找快速修复同样的问题。 Couldn't find anything useful so I came up with this code snippet -- hope it helps someone. 找不到任何有用的东西,所以我想出了这段代码片段 - 希望它对某人有所帮助。 It just loops over the string and skips all the tags. 它只是循环遍历字符串并跳过所有标记。 Plain & simple. 简单明了。

boolean intag = false;
String inp = "<H1>Some <b>HTML</b> <span style=blablabla>text</span>";
String outp = "";

for (int i=0; i < inp.length(); ++i)
    if (!intag && inp.charAt(i) == '<')
            intag = true;
        if (intag && inp.charAt(i) == '>')
            intag = false;
        if (!intag)
            outp = outp + inp.charAt(i);
return outp;

With pure iterative approach and no regex : 使用纯迭代方法,没有正则表达式:

public String stripTags(final String html) {

    final StringBuilder sbText = new StringBuilder(1000);
    final StringBuilder sbHtml = new StringBuilder(1000);

    boolean isText = true;

    for (char ch : html.toCharArray()) {
        if (isText) { // outside html
            if (ch != '<') {
            } else {   // switch mode             
                isText = false;      
        }else { // inside html
            if (ch != '>') {
            } else {      // switch mode    
                isText = true;     

    return sbText.toString();

Because of abbreviation (string truncation) of html fragment, I had also the problem of unclosed html tags that regex can't detect. 由于html片段的缩写(字符串截断),我还有正则表达式无法检测到的未闭合html标记的问题。 Eg: 例如:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, <b>consectetur</b> adipiscing elit. <a href="abc"

So, referring to the 2 best answers (JSoup and regex), I preferred solution using JSoup: 所以,参考2个最佳答案(JSoup和regex),我更喜欢使用JSoup的解决方案:


Wicket uses the following method to escape html, located in: org.apache.wicket.util.string.Strings Wicket使用以下方法来转义html,位于:org.apache.wicket.util.string.Strings

public static CharSequence escapeMarkup(final String s, final boolean escapeSpaces,
    final boolean convertToHtmlUnicodeEscapes)
    if (s == null)
        return null;
        int len = s.length();
        final AppendingStringBuffer buffer = new AppendingStringBuffer((int)(len * 1.1));

        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
            final char c = s.charAt(i);

            switch (c)
                case '\t' :
                    if (escapeSpaces)
                        // Assumption is four space tabs (sorry, but that's
                        // just how it is!)

                case ' ' :
                    if (escapeSpaces)

                case '<' :

                case '>' :

                case '&' :


                case '"' :

                case '\'' :

                default :

                    if (convertToHtmlUnicodeEscapes)
                        int ci = 0xffff & c;
                        if (ci < 160)
                            // nothing special only 7 Bit
                            // Not 7 Bit use the unicode system
                            buffer.append(new Integer(ci).toString());


        return buffer;
public static String stripTags(String str) {
    int startPosition = str.indexOf('<');
    int endPosition;
    while (startPosition != -1) {
        endPosition = str.indexOf('>', startPosition);
        str = str.substring(0, startPosition) + (endPosition != -1 ? str.substring(endPosition + 1) : "");
        startPosition = str.indexOf('<');
    return str;

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