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[英]Accessing Table in Partial View

I'm trying to edit a table by adding rows, but running into an issue with the the partial view not being fully rendered (This is my assumption) 我正在尝试通过添加行来编辑表,但遇到部分视图无法完全呈现的问题(这是我的假设)

I'm loading the partials into their divs via page load and ajax calls; 我通过页面加载和Ajax调用将部分加载到其div中。

<div id="preTestSteps">

<div id="mainTestSteps">

<div id="postTestSteps">

Scripts; 脚本;

    $(document).ready(function() {
        var testSuiteExecutionId = @(Model.TestSuiteExecutionId);
        var testSuiteId = @(Model.TestSuiteId);

        loadTestStepResultsPartialView(testSuiteExecutionId, testSuiteId, 1, "preTestSteps");
        loadTestStepResultsPartialView(testSuiteExecutionId, testSuiteId, 0, "mainTestSteps");
        loadTestStepResultsPartialView(testSuiteExecutionId, testSuiteId, 2, "postTestSteps");

    function loadTestStepResultsPartialView( testSuiteExecutionId, testSuiteId, testStepType, divId) {
            type: 'POST',
            url: '@Url.Action("DetailsTestStepResults", "TestSuiteExecutions")',
            data: { 'testSuiteExecutionId': testSuiteExecutionId, 'testSuiteId': testSuiteId, 'testStepType': testStepType },
            success: function(data) {
                $("#" + divId).html(data);


In the partial view, the table has a unique ID which is accessed to append (view model is a list of viewmodels, using the first index is to get data which is unique for the list of logs); 在部分视图中,该表具有唯一的ID,可以访问该ID进行追加(视图模型是视图模型的列表,使用的第一个索引是获取对于日志列表而言唯一的数据);

<div id="@collapseStepItemName" class="collapse col-sm-12" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="headingOne">
                    <div class="card-body">
                        <table class="table" id="logTable_@Model[0].TestStepId@Model[0].MessageType">
                                <th width="5%"></th>
                                <th width="20% !important">Time</th>
                                <th width="75%">Message</th>
                                @foreach (var logEntry in Model)
                                    <tr id="tableRow_@logEntry.TestStepId@logEntry.MessageType">
                                        <td><img width="20" height="20" src="~/Content/Images/@HtmlUtilities.GetTestSuiteExecutionIconName(logEntry.LogType)" /></td>

The current test code (with hard coded tableID for the sake of testing) is the following; 当前的测试代码(出于测试目的,具有硬编码的tableID)如下;

    var tableId = "logTable_" + 44 + "False";

    var newRow = document.getElementById(tableId).insertRow();
    newRow.innerHTML="<td>New row text</td><td>New row 2nd cell</td><td>Please work</td>";

The following error is thrown in the browser debug; 浏览器调试中引发以下错误;

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'insertRow' of null

Is there a way to execute the script after the partial views are fully rendered? 部分视图完全渲染后,是否可以执行脚本? Or is this issue something else and not due to the views being loaded in? 还是这个问题是其他原因而不是由于加载了视图?

I made sure the table appending script actually works by testing it on a table in the main view, and it worked as intended. 我通过在主视图中的表上对其进行测试来确保表附加脚本确实有效,并且按预期工作。

Since you're using jQuery , place this code inside document.ready function: 由于您使用的是jQuery ,因此请将以下代码放在document.ready函数中:

$(document).ready(function() {

    // other stuff

    var tableId = "logTable_" + @Model[0].TestStepId + @Model[0].MessageType;
    var row = $('<tr>').append('<td>New row text</td><td>New row 2nd cell</td><td>Please work</td>');

    $('#' + tableId).find('tbody').append(row);

If you insist using vanilla JS to add rows, make sure that all DOM objects are already loaded as given in example below: 如果您坚持使用香草JS添加行,请确保按照以下示例中的说明加载所有DOM对象

document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function (ev) { 
    var tableId = "logTable_" + @Model[0].TestStepId + @Model[0].MessageType;

    var newRow = document.getElementById(tableId).insertRow();
    newRow.innerHTML="<td>New row text</td><td>New row 2nd cell</td><td>Please work</td>";

The reason behind insertRow has null value is that table DOM elements may not fully loaded when adding row script executes, hence row addition script should run when all required DOM elements are complete. insertRow后面具有空值的原因是执行添加行脚本时表DOM元素可能未完全加载,因此,当所有必需的DOM元素完成时,行添加脚本应运行。

Demo example: JSFiddle 演示示例: JSFiddle

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