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[英]My formula (using conditional formatting) isn't working across sheets, no error, just no color

I have a formula that I am using on sheet1 of my document to color a cell based criteria within the sheet. 我在我的文档的sheet1上有一个公式,用来为表单中基于单元格的条件着色。 This formula work just fine and I have no issues at all with it. 这个公式很好用,我一点也没有问题。
However, when I tried to use the same formula on a second sheet that is used to long term storage (edited as below) I get no color in that cell at all. 但是,当我试图在用于长期存储的第二张纸上使用相同的公式(如下所示)时,该单元格中完全没有颜色。

=SUMPRODUCT('Item Storage'!$B3:$V3,1/'Weekly Job Progress'!$X18:$X38)/W3>0.95
=SUMPRODUCT('Item Storage'!$B3:$V3,1/'Weekly Job Progress'!$X18:$X38)/W3>=0.9
=SUMPRODUCT('Item Storage'!$B3:$V3,1/'Weekly Job Progress'!$X18:$X38)/W3<0.9

'Item storage': Sheet containing the long term storage for items. “项目存储”:包含长期项目存储的工作表。
'Weekly Job Progress': The main sheet, used for weekly short term storage. “每周工作进度”:主表,用于每周短期存储。

My formula that works in Weekly Job Progress for the same function is very similar, only it references nothing but the cells on the sheet. 我在“每周工作进度”中使用相同功能的公式非常相似,只是它只引用工作表中的单元格。
I know that I can reference 'Item Storage' for conditional formatting as I have it done for individual cells on the sheet with a similar purpose. 我知道我可以引用“项目存储”进行条件格式设置,因为我已经对工作表上的单个单元格做了类似的设置。

Edit 1 : Here is a link to imgur with screenshots of the sheets in question. 编辑1是指向imgur的链接,其中包含有关工作表的屏幕截图。

I find it difficult to evaluate without a sample of the cell contents, but it's most likely to do with either the "$" locked cells or W3 . 我发现没有样本单元格内容很难评估,但是最有可能与“ $”锁定的单元格或W3 If W3 is static (should be the same cell no matter which column or row I apply the formula to), you should lock it with $W$3 . 如果W3是静态的(无论我将公式应用于哪一列或哪一行,都应为同一单元格),则应使用$W$3对其进行锁定。

This is the formula that gets the cells to color correctly. 这是使单元格正确着色的公式。 I got it figured out with some additional help outside of here. 我在这里以外的一些其他帮助下找到了答案。

=SUMPRODUCT(TRANSPOSE('Item Storage'!$B3:$V3),1/'Weekly Job Progress'!$X$18:$X$38)/(SUM($B3:$V3))>0.95
=SUMPRODUCT(TRANSPOSE('Item Storage'!$B3:$V3),1/'Weekly Job Progress'!$X$18:$X$38)/(SUM($B3:$V3))=0.9
=SUMPRODUCT(TRANSPOSE('Item Storage'!$B3:$V3),1/'Weekly Job Progress'!$X$18:$X$38)/(SUM($B3:$V3))<0.9

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