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[英]How to achieve an animated tick mark with react-pose?

I would like to recreate the pose svg line animation of a tick/check mark located here , but as a react component with react-pose . 我想重新创建位于此处的刻度线/复选标记的姿势svg线动画,但作为带有react-pose的react组件。 I am unsure how to accomplish this? 我不确定如何做到这一点? There aren't many full examples online using animated svg paths, and was hoping someone on stack overflow new enough about react-pose to help me recreate it. 网上没有很多使用动画svg路径的完整示例,并且希望堆栈上的某人溢出了足够多的关于react-pose以帮助我重新创建它。

I attempted to create a react component but was unable to get it working. 我试图创建一个react组件,但无法使其正常工作。 Here is the react component I tried to make. 这是我尝试制作的react组件。 Thanks for any and all help. 感谢您提供的所有帮助。

Here is the full animation I'd like to create 这是我要制作的完整动画

 const { tween, physics, easing } = window.popmotion; const iconProps = { loading: { opacity: 1, pathLength: 45, transition: ({ from, to }) => tween({ from, to, ease: easing.easeIn }) }, loadingWait: { rotate: true, // We're not animating to any specific value, but we want to fire a `transition` transition: ({ from }) => physics({ from, velocity: -400 }) }, loaded: { rotate: false, // Stop any existing animation on this property pathLength: 100 } }; const tickProps = { loaded: { opacity: 1, pathLength: 100 } }; function init() { // Get elements const iconDom = document.getElementById('tick-outline-path'); const tickDom = document.getElementById('tick-path'); // Create posers const icon = pose(iconDom, iconProps); icon.addChild(tickDom, tickProps); // Set animation state icon.set('loading').then(() => icon.set('loadingWait')); setTimeout(() => icon.set('loaded'), 2000); } (document.readyState !== 'loading') ? init() : document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', init); 
 body { --pink: #FF1C68; --green: #14D790; --blue: #198FE3; --black: #21282D; color: #222; font-family: 'PT Sans', sans-serif; height: 100vh; padding: 0; margin: 0; display: flex; justify-content: center; flex-direction: column; } .pen { flex: 1 1 100%; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; flex-direction: column; margin: 0 auto; flex: 1 1 100%; width: 100%; max-width: 600px; padding: 0 20px; } .created-by { flex: 0 0 50px; background: #fff; color: #222; text-decoration: none; display: flex; justify-content: flex-end; align-items: center; padding-right: 30px; } .logo { margin-left: 10px; } .box { width: 100px; height: 100px; border-radius: 50%; background: var(--blue); } h1 { font-size: 32px; line-height: 28px; margin-bottom: 10px; } .pen a { color: var(--blue); text-decoration: none; margin-bottom: 70px; } 
 <script src="https://unpkg.com/popmotion-pose@%5E1/dist/popmotion-pose.js"></script> <link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Source+Sans+Pro" rel="stylesheet"> <div class="pen"> <svg class="progress-icon" width="250" height="250" viewBox="0 0 32 32" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <g class="tick-icon" stroke-width="2" stroke="#FF1C68" fill="none" transform="translate(1, 1.2)"> <path id="tick-outline-path" d="M14 28c7.732 0 14-6.268 14-14S21.732 0 14 0 0 6.268 0 14s6.268 14 14 14z" opacity="0" /> <path id="tick-path" d="M6.173 16.252l5.722 4.228 9.22-12.69" opacity="0"/> </g> </svg> </div> <a class="created-by" target="_blank" href="https://popmotion.io"> Pen created with <svg class="logo" width="125" height="25" viewBox="0 0 200 41"> <defs> <linearGradient x1="50%" y1="0%" x2="50%" y2="100%" id="popmotion-gradient"> <stop stop-color="#FF1C68" offset="0%"/> <stop stop-color="#FF1C68" offset="100%"/> </linearGradient> </defs> <path fill="url(#popmotion-gradient)" d="M15.65.85c6.3 0 9.6 4.17 9.6 9.4 0 5.93-4.3 11.33-11.78 11.33H8.8l-1.04 10.2H.28L3.48.85h12.17zm-5.4 7.03l-.77 7.03h4.26c2.54 0 4.04-1.67 4.04-3.9 0-1.58-1-3.12-3.13-3.12h-4.4zM23.36 21.85c0-7 5.85-12.2 12.8-12.2 5.98 0 10.65 4.4 10.65 10.43 0 7.03-6.02 12.15-12.78 12.15-6.12 0-10.66-4.35-10.66-10.38zm16.28-1.27c0-2.4-1.58-4.4-4.03-4.4-2.85 0-5.03 2.4-5.03 5.2 0 2.33 1.55 4.32 4 4.32 2.9 0 5.07-2.4 5.07-5.12zM55.66 10.1l.1 2.3s1.86-2.75 6.12-2.75c4.94 0 8.8 4.17 8.8 10.25 0 7.03-5.36 12.33-11.02 12.33-3.9 0-5.5-2.35-5.5-2.35l-1.13 10.97h-7.2l3.2-30.75h6.63zm8 10.3c0-2.32-1.55-4.22-4.14-4.22-2.77 0-4.13 2.18-4.13 2.18l-.55 5.12s.9 2.18 3.67 2.18c2.95 0 5.13-2.45 5.13-5.26zM91.18 31.78h-7.2l1.35-12.8c0-.13.05-.4.05-.67 0-1.26-.64-1.98-1.95-1.98-1.68 0-3.54 1.67-3.54 1.67l-1.46 13.78h-7.2L73.5 10.1h6.8l.1 2.18s2.98-2.54 6.3-2.54c3.53 0 4.66 2.63 4.66 2.63s3.27-2.63 6.94-2.63c4.86 0 7.08 2.72 7.08 7.12 0 .54-.05 1.13-.1 1.68l-1.35 13.24H96.7l1.33-12.38c.05-.45.05-.64.05-.9 0-1.5-.77-2.18-1.95-2.18-1.77 0-3.5 1.72-3.5 1.72l-1.45 13.74M106.16 21.85c0-7 5.85-12.2 12.8-12.2 5.98 0 10.65 4.4 10.65 10.43 0 7.03-6.02 12.15-12.78 12.15-6.13 0-10.66-4.35-10.66-10.38zm16.28-1.27c0-2.4-1.6-4.4-4.03-4.4-2.85 0-5.03 2.4-5.03 5.2 0 2.33 1.54 4.32 4 4.32 2.9 0 5.07-2.4 5.07-5.12zM140.4 10.1l.5-4.76h-7.2l-.5 4.76h-3.13l-.68 6.53h3.12l-1.6 15.15h7.23l1.58-15.15h5.18l-1.57 15.15h7.26l2.25-21.68H140.4M146.46.9l-.64 6.16h7.5l.62-6.16h-7.48M153.05 21.85c0-7 5.85-12.2 12.8-12.2 5.97 0 10.65 4.4 10.65 10.43 0 7.03-6.04 12.15-12.8 12.15-6.12 0-10.65-4.35-10.65-10.38zm16.28-1.27c0-2.4-1.6-4.4-4.04-4.4-2.86 0-5.04 2.4-5.04 5.2 0 2.33 1.54 4.32 4 4.32 2.9 0 5.07-2.4 5.07-5.12zM198 31.78h-7.2l1.26-12.02c.05-.4.05-.63.05-.95 0-1.5-.76-2.62-2.62-2.62-2.4 0-4.36 1.95-4.36 1.95l-1.4 13.65h-7.2l2.25-21.68h6.9v2.3s2.9-2.7 6.44-2.7c3.95 0 7.3 2.53 7.3 7.75 0 .4-.04 1-.08 1.5L198 31.77" /> </svg> </a> 

The code for React Pose is almost exactly the same as the vanilla Pose example you posted. React Pose的代码与您发布的Vanilla Pose示例几乎完全相同。

The only difference is you'd be making posed versions of the path components: 唯一的区别是您将制作path组件的姿势版本:

const Icon = posed.path(iconProps)
const Tick = posed.path(tickProps)

And passing loading/loadingWait/loaded state to both of those as the pose prop when you come to render the components. 当您渲染组件时,将load / loadingWait / loaded状态传递给这两个状态作为pose道具。

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