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Angular 5:ngModel绑定不起作用

[英]Angular 5: ngModel binding not working

I am very sure that I am using the ngModel correctly, but my model will not be updated when the textfield changes. 我非常确定自己使用的是ngModel ,但是当文本字段更改时,我的模型将不会更新。 I have used this constellation several times in my app without any problems. 我已经在我的应用程序中多次使用了这个星座,没有任何问题。 I have been sitting on it for a while now and do not see my mistake, maybe a second pair of eyes will help. 我坐在上面已经有一段时间了,看不到我的错误,也许再换一双眼睛会有所帮助。 Could it be that the ngIf influences the binding? 可能是ngIf影响绑定吗?

I am using Angular5. 我正在使用Angular5。 And the Maseemann Components 以及Maseemann组件


I edited the first textfield for testing like this: 我编辑了第一个文本字段进行如下测试:

  <mdl-textfield type="text" label="Name" [(ngModel)]="assignment.name" (ngModelChange)="log()" floating-label></mdl-textfield>

And it is working as expected, the input is shown directly. 并且它按预期工作,直接显示了输入。 I have check several times for spelling but didn't find any error. 我已经检查了几次拼写,但是没有发现任何错误。

My template: 我的模板:

<mdl-card mdl-shadow="2" *ngIf="state === 0">
    <h2 mdl-card-title-text>Assignment erstellen</h2>
    <div class="mdl-grid">
      <div class="mdl-cell mdl-cell--7-col">
          <mdl-textfield type="text" label="Name" [(ngModel)]="assignment.name" (ngModelChange)="log()" floating-label></mdl-textfield>
          <mdl-select [(ngModel)]="assignment.lang" placeholder="Programmiersprache auswählen">
            <mdl-option [value]="'c'">C / C++</mdl-option>
            <mdl-option [value]="'java'">Java</mdl-option>
            <mdl-option [value]="'py'">Python</mdl-option>
            <mdl-option [value]="'m'">Matlab</mdl-option>
          <mdl-textfield type="number" label="Punkte" [(ngModel)]="assignment.points_recommended" floating-label></mdl-textfield>
          <mdl-textfield type="text" label="Executionfilename" [(ngModel)]="assignment.execution_filename" floating-label></mdl-textfield>
          <mdl-textfield type="text" label="Outputfilenames" [(ngModel)]="assignment.output_files" floating-label></mdl-textfield>
        <div class="mdl-file_upload">
          <label for="file-upload" class="mdl-button mdl-js-button mdl-button--raised mdl-js-ripple-effect mdl-button--colored">
            <span>Datei auswählen</span>
          <mdl-textfield type="text" [(ngModel)]="assignmentFile.name" floating-label disabled></mdl-textfield>
          <input type="file" id="file-upload" (change)="onFileSelect($event.target.files)">
          <mdl-switch [(ngModel)]="assignment.visible_for_others" mdl-ripple>Öffentlich</mdl-switch>
          <mdl-switch [(ngModel)]="assignment.text_editor_available" mdl-ripple>Online-Texteditor</mdl-switch>
      <div class="mdl-cell mdl-cell--5-col">
  <mdl-card-actions mdl-card-border>
    <button (click)="submitAssignment()" mdl-button mdl-colored mdl-ripple mdl-colored="primary">Nächster Schritt</button>

My controller: 我的控制器:

export class AssignmentNewComponent implements OnInit {
  public state: number = 0;
  public assignment: Assignment = new Assignment(null, this.authService.getAccountId());
  public assignmentFile: File = new File([''], 'Datei auswählen');

    private authService: AuthService,
    private assignmentService: AssignmentService,
  ) { }

  ngOnInit() {
    this.testcases.push(new AssignmentTestCase());

  onFileSelect(files: FileList): void {
    this.assignmentFile = files[0];

  setState(state: number): void {
    this.state = state;

  submitAssignment(): void {
      key => console.log(key, this.assignment[key])

  next(): void {

  previous(): void {



My model: 我的模特:

export class Assignment {
    public id: number;
    public admin: number;
    public name: string;
    public lang: string;
    public points_recommended: number;
    public execution_filename: string;
    public output_files: string;
    public evaluation_file: string;
    public visible_for_others: boolean;
    public text_editor_available: boolean;
    public created_at: string;
    public updated_at: string;

        id?: number,
        admin?: number,
        name?: string,
        lang?: string,
        points_recommended?: number,
        execution_filename?: string,
        output_files?: string,
        evaluation_file?: string,
        visible_for_others?: boolean,
        text_editor_available?: boolean,
        created_at?: string,
        updated_at?: string,
        this.id = id || undefined;
        this.admin = admin || undefined;
        this.name = name || undefined;
        this.lang = lang || undefined;
        this.points_recommended = points_recommended || undefined;
        this.execution_filename = execution_filename || undefined;
        this.output_files = output_files || undefined;
        this.evaluation_file = evaluation_file || undefined;
        this.visible_for_others = visible_for_others || undefined;
        this.text_editor_available = text_editor_available || undefined;
        this.created_at = created_at || undefined;
        this.updated_at = updated_at || undefined;

The problem was really easy to fix. 这个问题真的很容易解决。 I had an angular ID <span #assignment>.. which newly bound my assignment variable to this assignment. 我有一个角度ID <span #assignment>.. Just a naming problem. 只是一个命名问题。 I renamed the id now it is working as expected. 我已将其重命名,现在它可以按预期工作。

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