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[英]How to work with input field that is created dynamically using Javascript?

I know how to work with input field using Javascript. 我知道如何使用Javascript处理输入字段。 But when I create a input field dynamically using javascript createElement method, I am not being able to work with that. 但是,当我使用javascript createElement方法动态创建输入字段时,无法使用它。 As I have not started learning PHP, I want to know how to work with dynamically created input field using javascript. 由于尚未开始学习PHP,因此我想知道如何使用javascript处理动态创建的输入字段。

If you add an Element using createElement You can then work with the element by referring to the element by ID or Class. 如果使用createElement添加元素,则可以通过按ID或类引用该元素来使用该元素。



Take a look at MDN site for examples 看看MDN网站上的示例

Probably easiest way to track (and manipulate) the input fields is with the getElementsByTagName(); 跟踪(和操作)输入字段的最简单方法是使用getElementsByTagName(); which returns an array of all the elements with the specified tag . 返回带有指定标签的所有元素的数组

So, as an example: 因此,例如:

 // saves all current elements in an array var inputsArr = document.getElementsByTagName('input'); console.log('Current input fields: ' + inputsArr.length); // now let's create our new Element and set its attributes! var newinput = document.createElement('input'); newinput.setAttribute('type', 'button'); newinput.setAttribute('value', 'Submit form'); // adds (appends) the newly created input document.getElementById('structure').appendChild(newinput); console.log('-- button added'); var newinputsArr = document.getElementsByTagName('input'); console.log('Current input fields: ' + newinputsArr.length); // and we can manipulate with the newly added element newinputsArr[2].setAttribute('style', 'background:gold;'); 
 input[type="button"]{ display: block; margin-top: 10px; } #structure { background: lightgray; height: 70px; } 
 <form id="structure"> Login: <input type="text"> Password: <input type="password"> </form> 

In the snippet below I showcased 在下面的代码段中,我展示了

  1. How to fill an array with existing input elements 如何用现有的输入元素填充数组
  2. How to add a new input item and then access it 如何添加新的输入项然后访问它
  3. How to manipulate with the newly added element 如何使用新添加的元素进行操作

Note, I intentionally created two separate arrays, as a showcase. 注意,我有意创建了两个单独的数组作为展示。 So if you meant to manipulate eg. 因此,如果您打算操纵例如。 with only newly added elements, you can apply the the expression only to the 'extra' elements of the difference between newinputsArr.length and inputsArr.length 仅使用新添加的元素,您可以将表达式仅应用于newinputsArr.lengthinputsArr.length之间差异的“额外”元素

You probably forgot to add the input field to the body of the document. 您可能忘记了将输入字段添加到文档正文中。 When you create an element with document.createElement , never forget to append it to the body when you are done. 使用document.createElement创建元素时,请不要忘记在完成后将其附加到主体。

var input = document.createElement("input");

 <span id="result"></span><br/> <script> var input = document.createElement("input"); input["type"] = "text"; document.body.appendChild(input); input.addEventListener("keypress", function(e){ document.getElementById('result').textContent = "Key: "+e.key+" KeyCode: "+e.keyCode+" Value: "+this.value+e.key; }); </script> 


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