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[英]Express server not loading js and css

So whats happening is I have a reactjs project that has react router. 所以发生的事情是我有一个带有React路由器的reactjs项目。 So when I try and hit /dashboard/stream it's getting the index.html off the server but then the css and js are getting 301 errors and it's not displaying anything. 因此,当我尝试打/dashboard/stream它已将index.html从服务器上移开,但是css和js却收到301错误,并且未显示任何内容。

express server 快递服务器

 const express = require('express'); const { createServer } = require('http'); const io = require('socket.io'); const haiku = require('./haiku'); const app = express(); const server = createServer(app); const userIds = {}; const noop = () => {}; app.use('/*', express.static(`${process.cwd()}/../client`)); /** * Random ID until the ID is not in use */ function randomID(callback) { const id = haiku(); if (id in userIds) setTimeout(() => haiku(callback), 5); else callback(id); } /** * Send data to friend */ function sendTo(to, done, fail) { const receiver = userIds[to]; if (receiver) { const next = typeof done === 'function' ? done : noop; next(receiver); } else { const next = typeof fail === 'function' ? fail : noop; next(); } } /** * Initialize when a connection is made * @param {SocketIO.Socket} socket */ function initSocket(socket) { let id; socket .on('init', () => { randomID((_id) => { id = _id; userIds[id] = socket; socket.emit('init', { id }); }); }) .on('request', (data) => { sendTo(data.to, to => to.emit('request', { from: id })); }) .on('call', (data) => { sendTo( data.to, to => to.emit('call', { ...data, from: id }), () => socket.emit('failed') ); }) .on('end', (data) => { sendTo(data.to, to => to.emit('end')); }) .on('disconnect', () => { delete userIds[id]; console.log(id, 'disconnected'); }); return socket; } module.exports.run = (config) => { server.listen(config.PORT); console.log(`Server is listening at :${config.PORT}`); io.listen(server, { log: true }) .on('connection', initSocket); }; 

index.html index.html

 <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, user-scalable=no" /> <link href="/dist/css/app.min.css" rel="stylesheet"> </head> <body> <div id="root"></div> <script type="text/javascript" src="/dist/js/app.min.js"></script> </body> </html> 

how come my index.html is loaded but then the js and css isnt. 为什么我的index.html被加载,但是js和css不是。

folder structure is this: 文件夹结构是这样的:

server ... client dist css js index.html ...

To me I can't see if it's loading that index.html file how it can't load the css and js that are linked to it. 对我来说,我看不到它是否正在加载该index.html文件,它如何无法加载与其链接的css和js。

The problem is that you are using absolute path for the static files because they start with a / so if the url is /dashboard/stream then it will tries to load the css and js file from /dashboard/dist/... . 问题是您正在使用静态文件的绝对路径,因为它们以/开头,因此如果url是/dashboard/stream则它将尝试从/dashboard/dist/...加载css和js文件。

To fix it remove the / from the beginning of the path to have a relative path. 要解决此问题,请从路径的开头删除/以获得相对路径。

<link href="dist/css/app.min.css" rel="stylesheet">


<script type="text/javascript" src="dist/js/app.min.js"></script>

This does the trick with Angular so why not with React considering that you are using front-end routing: 这可以解决Angular所以考虑到您使用的是前端路由,为什么不使用React呢:

  1. Use an absolute path in your server.js file: server.js文件中使用绝对路径:

    app.use('/public', express.static(path.join(__dirname, '../client/dist')));

  2. Serve your front-end routes in your server.js file: server.js文件中服务您的前端路由:

    app.get('*', function(req, res, next) { res.sendFile("../client/index.html", { root: __dirname }); });

Now you should be able to access all the files inside the dist directory. 现在您应该能够访问dist目录中的所有文件。

fe: <script type="text/javascript" src="./public/js/app.min.js"></script> fe: <script type="text/javascript" src="./public/js/app.min.js"></script>

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