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[英]onClick of button increment ID on url with React.js

I'm trying to increment the number I get from this.props.match.params.id to get the DOM to re-render with new API fetched content. 我正在尝试增加从this.props.match.params.id获得的this.props.match.params.id以使DOM用新的API提取的内容重新呈现。 I was trying to do that by calling a function on Click and incremeting value by one. 我试图通过在Click上调用一个函数并将值增加1来实现此目的。 However, that's not happening at all, instead of incrementing the value, it concatenates like this: 但是,这根本没有发生,而是像这样串联:

https://imgur.com/a/dnKScN0 https://imgur.com/a/dnKScN0

This is my code: 这是我的代码:

export class Sofa extends React.Component {

    constructor(props) {
        this.state = {
            token: {},
            isLoaded: false,
            model: {}

    addOne = () => {
        this.props.match.params.id += 1;
        console.log('id: ', this.props.match.params.id);

    lessOne = () => {

    componentDidMount() {

        /* fetch to get API token */

        fetch(url + '/couch-model/' + this.props.match.params.id + '/', {
            method: 'GET',
            headers: {
                'Content-Type': 'application/json',
                'Accept': 'application/json',
                'Authorization': 'JWT ' + (JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('token')).token)
        }).then(res => {
            if (res.ok) {
                return res.json();
            } else {
                throw Error(res.statusText);
        }).then(json => {
                model: json,
                isLoaded: true
            }, () => { });

    render() {

        const { model, isLoaded } = this.state;

        if (!isLoaded) {

            return (
                <div id="LoadText">

        } else {

            return (
                <div id="Sofa">

                    /* other HTML not important for this matter */                        

                    <img src="../../../ic/icon-arrow-left.svg" alt="Arrow pointing to left" id="ArrowLeft"
                    <img src="../../../ic/icon-arrow-right.svg" alt="Arrow pointing to right" id="ArrowRight"




You can't manipulate props, they are immutable. 您无法操纵道具,它们是不可变的。 You have a few options: 您有几种选择:

  1. Use Redux or some other form of global state management and store the counter there. 使用Redux或其他某种形式的全局状态管理,并将计数器存储在此处。
  2. Store the counter in the state of the parent, pass it down as a prop to the child along with a callback function allowing the child to increment the counter. 将计数器存储在父级状态下,将其作为道具传递给孩子,同时还带有允许孩子递增计数器的回调函数。
  3. Store the state for the counter directly within the child component and update it there. 将计数器的状态直接存储在子组件中,并在那里进行更新。

As your string is concatenating JS thinks its a string and not a number. 当您的字符串串联时,JS认为它是字符串而不是数字。 Just increment like so Number(this.props...id) + 1 像这样递增Number(this.props...id) + 1

Very likely this.props.match.params.id is a string. this.props.match.params.id很可能是字符串。 Doing this: '1'+1 returns '11' . 这样做: '1'+1返回'11'

It seems that this.props.match.params.id is string. 看来this.props.match.params.id是字符串。 Adding a value to string variable works as concatination. string变量添加值可作为隐含条件。

You need to parseInt before adding a value like: 您需要先parseInt然后再添加类似以下内容的值:

    this.props.match.params.id = parseInt(this.props.match.params.id) + 1;

I guess this is a 'main' component - just 'below' router. 我猜这是一个“主要”组件-只是在“下方”路由器。 You can't modify param from router - you should generate link to next item (pointing the same component) which will get it's own props ('updated' id) from router. 您无法通过路由器修改参数-您应该生成指向下一项的链接(指向相同的组件),该链接将从路由器获取其自身的道具(“更新的” ID)。

You're sure you will have contiuous range of ids? 您确定您将拥有连续的ID范围吗? No deletions in db? 数据库中没有删除? Rare ;) 稀有;)

Normally you have a searched/category based list of items. 通常,您有一个基于搜索/类别的项目列表。 Browsing list ... entering item (by id), back to list, enter another item. 浏览列表...输入项目(按ID),返回列表,输入另一个项目。 Browsing items w/o info about list is a little harder and inc/dec id isn't good idea. 没有清单信息的浏览项目会有点困难,而inc / dec id并不是一个好主意。

Get list into main component, pass current id to sub-component (able to load data itself and render it). 将列表获取到主要组件中,将当前ID传递给子组件(能够加载数据本身并呈现数据)。 Prepare next/prev buttons in main (modify current in state, loop them?) - changed prop (id) will force rendering component to load next data. 在主屏幕中准备下一个/上一个按钮(修改状态下的电流,是否将其循环?)-更改后的prop(id)将强制渲染组件加载下一个数据。

Further ... extract next/prev into sub-components, passing handlers from main (you didn't passed them and even if it won't work for reasons above). 进一步...将next / prev提取到子组件中,从main传递处理程序(您没有传递它们,即使由于上述原因而无法使用)。

Accessing items only by id is a bit harder, fe you can 'ask' api for next/prev items for current one. 仅通过id访问项目会有点困难,例如,您可以为当前项目的下一个/上一个项目“询问” api。 It can be done async - render next/prev when data will be ready. 可以异步完成-在数据准备就绪时呈现next / prev。

Don't make all in one step ;) 不要一all而就;)

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