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在Angular 6中管理HTTP响应

[英]Managing HTTP response in Angular 6

Context of my problem : 我的问题的背景

I am trying to create an array of the google maps Longitude and Latitudes to use in a heatmap. 我正在尝试创建要在热图中使用的Google地图经度和纬度数组。 I am able to get data from my localhost and want to be able to reference an array that I create within the subscribe function outside of the function. 我能够从本地主机获取数据,并且希望能够引用我在该函数之外的订阅函数内创建的数组。

When I console.log a all of my data it comes out perfectly. 当我用console.log记录我的所有数据时,它会完美地显示出来。 When I try to reference the this.heatmapData outside of the subscribe function it is empty. 当我尝试在订阅函数之外引用this.heatmapData时,它为空。

Here is the code 下面是代码

    this.result = this.examsApi.getExams()
        .subscribe(data => {
          this.examsList = data;
          var obj = JSON.parse(data);
          var val;
          this.heatmapData = [];
          for (val in obj["index"]) {
            console.log(this.heatmapData) // Fills perfectly
            this.heatmapData.push(new google.maps.LatLng(obj["Latitude"][val], obj["Longitude"][val])); // The parameters are filled with longitude and latitude values a http.get request in another file.
    console.log(this.heatmapData) // Becomes empty

It does not become empty but it is empty at the moment of logging , you log it into the console, and then you fetch the data - subscribe is async! 它不会变空,但是在登录时它是空的,将其登录到控制台,然后获取数据-订阅是异步的!

Order of execution: 执行顺序:

  1. Create cold observable by this.examsApi.getExams() 创建可由this.examsApi.getExams()观察到的this.examsApi.getExams()
  2. Heat it up by subscribing to it - AJAX request is STARTED 通过订阅将其加热-AJAX请求已开始
  3. console.log(this.heatmapData) // prints empty array because IT IS EMPTY NOW console.log(this.heatmapData) //打印空数组,因为现在空了
  4. IO delay IO延迟
  5. AJAX FINISHES - Response comes, subscription callback is called - you push data to this.heatmapData AJAX完成-响应来了,调用了调用回调-您将数据推送到this.heatmapData

I can only assume that you see no update on UI. 我只能假设您在UI上看不到任何更新。 This is because you are pushing to the array - Angular will not detect such change by itself. 这是因为您要推送到数组-Angular本身不会检测到此类更改。 Either you have to invoce change detection run, or better, create new array, but data to it, and replace the array by assigning this.heatmapData=yourNewArrayOfData 您必须调用更改检测运行,或者更好地,创建新数组,但向其中添加数据,然后通过分配this.heatmapData=yourNewArrayOfData 替换该数组 this.heatmapData=yourNewArrayOfData

and want to be able to reference an array that I create within the subscribe function outside of the function. 并希望能够引用我在该函数之外的订阅函数中创建的数组。

Looks like I got to the point here - build new array and assign it to this.heatmapData insteed of pushing. 看起来我到了这里-构建新数组并将其分配给推送的this.heatmapData Angular will detect that change. Angular将检测到该更改。

Since some people finds this answer "not an answer at all" i must include copy-pasted code I guess. 由于某些人发现此答案“根本不是答案”,因此我猜必须包含复制粘贴的代码。

   this.result = this.examsApi.getExams()
            .subscribe(data => {
              this.examsList = data;
              var obj = JSON.parse(data);
              var val;
              const newData= [];
              for (val in obj["index"]) {
                newData.push(new google.maps.LatLng(obj["Latitude"][val], obj["Longitude"][val])); // The parameters are filled with longitude and latitude values a http.get request in another file.
          this.heatmapData=newData; // this will do the trick
          console.log(this.heatmapData); // this will print just fine

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