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[英]Extract only numbers from link with codeception

I have this link, and i need to work only with the numbers from that link. 我有此链接,我只需要使用该链接中的数字即可。 How would i extract them? 我将如何提取它们?

I didn't find any answer that would work with codepcetion. 我没有找到适用于Codepcetion的答案。

https://www.my-website.com/de/booking/extras#tab-nav-extras-1426 https://www.my-website.com/de/booking/extras#tab-nav-extras-1426

I tired something like this. 我有点累了


But i won't work. 但是我不会工作。

Any ideas ? 有任何想法吗 ?

You can use parse_url() to parse entire URL and then extract the part which is most interested for you. 您可以使用parse_url()解析整个URL,然后提取最感兴趣的部分。 After that you can use regex to extract only numbers from the string. 之后,您可以使用正则表达式从字符串中仅提取数字。

$url = "https://www.my-website.com/de/booking/extras#tab-nav-extras-1426";
$parsedUrl = parse_url($url);

$fragment = $parsedUrl['fragment']; // Contains: tab-nav-extras-1426

$id = preg_replace('/[^0-9]/', '', $fragment);

var_dump($id); // Output: string(4) "1426"

Staying within the framework: 保持框架内:

The manual clearly says that: 手册明确指出:

grabFromCurrentUrl grabFromCurrentUrl

Executes the given regular expression against the current URI and returns the first capturing group . 针对当前URI执行给定的正则表达式,并返回第一个捕获组 If no parameters are provided, the full URI is returned. 如果未提供任何参数,则返回完整的URI。

Since you didn't used any capturing groups (...) , nothing is returned. 由于您没有使用任何捕获组(...) ,因此不会返回任何内容。

Try this: 尝试这个:


The $ at the end is optional, it just states that the string should end with the pattern. 末尾的$是可选的,它只是指出字符串应以模式结尾。

Also note that the opening and closing pattern delimiters you would normally use ( / ) are replaced by tilde ( ~ ) characters for convenience, since the input string has a great chance to contain multiple forward slashes. 还要注意,为方便起见,通常将使用( / )的打开和关闭模式定界符替换为波浪号( ~ )字符,因为输入字符串很有可能包含多个正斜杠。 Custom pattern delimiters are completely standard in regexp, as @Naktibalda pointed it out in this answer . 自定义模式定界符在regexp中是完全标准的,正如@Naktibalda在此答案中指出的那样。

A variant using preg_match() after parse_url() : parse_url()之后使用preg_match()变体:

$url = "https://www.my-website.com/de/booking/extras#tab-nav-extras-1426";

preg_match('/\d+$/', parse_url($url)['fragment'], $id);

// Outputs: string(4) "1426"

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