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[英]iOS - Disable Answers but keep Crashlytics

Is there an update on Fabric to disable Answers but keep Crashlytics from Fabric? 是否有关于Fabric的更新以禁用Answers但保留了来自Fabric的Crashlytics? The latest answers on this topic on Stack Overflow were last year so I'm hoping by now that there is an update that can solve this issue. 关于此问题的最新信息是去年关于Stack Overflow的,因此,我希望现在有了可以解决此问题的更新。 Our team keeps seeing greater analytics when we're testing on a staging environment which can be annoying because we want to know real data only. 当我们在暂存环境中进行测试时,我们的团队不断看到更多的分析数据,这可能很烦人,因为我们只想了解真实数据。

Mike from Fabric here. 来自Fabric的Mike。 There have been no changes on this front. 在这方面没有任何变化。 If you want to keep debug and production data separate, either creating two organizations and conditionally changing your API key or using two separate bundle identifiers or package names are the recommend workarounds. 如果您希望将调试数据和生产数据分开,则建议创建两个组织并有条件地更改您的API密钥,或者使用两个单独的包标识符或包名称。

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