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[英]SSRS Report render issue when data is high

I am able to fetch the report when data is having 20000 rows. 当数据有20000行时,我能够获取报告。 But When we have more data like 3 millions rows then report is in rendering (loading) state infinitely for a longer time and we unable to display the report. 但是,当我们拥有300万行之类的更多数据时,报表将处于无限期的呈示(加载)状态,并且无法显示报表。

we are using the stored procedure to fetch the report. 我们正在使用存储过程来获取报告。 it is taking 2 minutes to fetch the data on SQL serve and in report builder query. 需要2分钟的时间来获取有关SQL服务和报表构建器查询中的数据。

What can we do to fetch the report. 我们该怎么做才能获取报告。 Please help me. 请帮我。

Thanks, Sreenivasa 谢谢,斯雷尼瓦萨

No one will read 3 million rows on a report... 没有人会读一份报告中的300万行...

You need to filter your data so less is returned. 您需要过滤数据,以减少返回的数据。

You can use Pagination for example by Date so only some of the data is displayed on each report run and the date can be adjusted to look at sub-sections of the data 您可以使用分页(例如按日期),以便每次运行报告时仅显示一些数据,并且可以调整日期以查看数据的各个子部分

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