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父母应该如何为Angular设置子组件的样式? 我想要一个不会被淘汰的好的解决方案

[英]How should a parent style a child component for Angular? I'd like a good solution that won't be deprecated


Components should be self contained and programmed so they don't require refactoring whenever a new use is needed. 组件应自包含并进行编程,因此在需要新的用途时就不需要重构。

One solution is to add a class to the parent using ng-class, and then use regular css rules to style the child: one set of rules that requires the class to be on the parent div, and another set that doesn't require the class to be on the parent div. 一种解决方案是使用ng-class向父级添加一个类,然后使用常规的CSS规则为子级设置样式:一套要求该类位于父div上的规则,另一套不需要该子类的规则。类位于父div上。

Example css: 示例CSS:

.my_class {Normal styling}
.my_parent_div_class .my_class {Special styling goes here}

You can pass a style in as an input, and then set it in the template with [ngStyle]. 您可以传入样式作为输入,然后使用[ngStyle]在模板中进行设置。

So for a simple example i'll show how to do this with a background color. 因此,作为一个简单的示例,我将展示如何使用背景色执行此操作。

customComponent.html customComponent.html

<div [ngStyle]="{'background-color': data?.backgroundColor }">
   <p> the background color will be set from an input </p>

customComponent.ts customComponent.ts

  data: {
    backgroundColor: string;

parent.html parent.html

<customComponent [data]="{backgroundColor: 'grey'}"></customComponent>

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