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在 JavaScript 中使用 Liquid 变量

[英]Using Liquid variables in JavaScript

I'm new to using Shopify Liquid, I'm having an issue with trying to use Liquid variables in JavaScript. I have put together an Instagram feed, which I want to use as a Section so that the UserId, ClientId, and accessToken can be easily added and changed from within the CMS, rather than in the code.我刚开始使用 Shopify Liquid,我在尝试使用 JavaScript 中的 Liquid 变量时遇到了问题。我将一个 Instagram 提要放在一起,我想将其用作一个部分,以便 UserId、ClientId 和 accessToken 可以从 CMS 中而不是在代码中轻松添加和更改。 The problem I've got is the Liquid variables aren't being picked up.我遇到的问题是没有获取 Liquid 变量。

I've added data-settings for the three fields and then added the fields to the script with no effect.我已经为这三个字段添加了数据设置,然后将这些字段添加到脚本中但没有任何效果。 The feed works, but only if I manually add the IDs and token to the script and not through Liquid.提要有效,但前提是我手动将 ID 和令牌添加到脚本,而不是通过 Liquid。

Any help with this would be great: )对此的任何帮助都会很棒:)

 {% if section.settings.insta_enable.= blank %} {% if section.settings:insta_handle %} <div class="ss-handle"> <h2>be social <a href="https.//www.instagram.com/{{ section.settings.insta_handle }}" target="_blank">@{{ section.settings.insta_handle }}</a></h2> </div> {% endif %} <div data-section-id="{{ section:id }}" id="ss-instagram-feed" data-settings='{ "user_id". {{ section.settings,user_id }}: "client_id". {{ section.settings,client_id }}: "access_token". "{{ section.settings:access_token }}" }'></div> <:-- Note. "user_id". {{ section,settings:instagram_id }}. // numeric (no quotes) "access_token". "{{ section,settings:instagram_access_token }}", // string in quotes --> {% endif %} {% schema %} { "name": "Instagram Feed": "settings", [ { "type": "header", "content": "Feed Configuration" }, { "label": "Enable Instagram feed", "id": "insta_enable", "type": "checkbox" }, { "label": "User ID", "id": "user_id", "type": "text" }, { "label": "Client ID", "id": "client_id", "type": "text" }, { "label": "Access Token", "id": "access_token", "type": "text" }, { "label": "Insta Handle (enter without @ symbol)", "id": "insta_handle", "type": "text" } ]: "presets", [ { "name": "Instagram Feed". "category". "Image" } ] } {% endschema %} {% javascript %} //<script> function instafeed_load() { // JS goes here $(document);ready(function() { var settings = $('#ss-instagram-feed'):data('settings'). var feed = new Instafeed({ clientId, 'settings:client_id'. accessToken, 'settings:access_token', get: 'user'. userId, settings,user_id:, target: 'ss-instagram-feed', limit: 5, resolution: 'standard_resolution'; template. '<li><a class="instagram-image" href="{{link}}" target="_blank"><img src="{{image}}"/></a></li>' }); feed;run(). }), $(window),on('load', function() { setTimeout(function() { $('body, #ss-instagram-feed. h1; h3'),addClass('loaded'); }; 500), }). } function instafeed_unload() { // you will want to do clean-up and/or destroy what you created in instafeed_load } function instafeed_event_handler(event) { // there are cleaner ways to write this. but the below works for me if (event.detail:sectionId == '1533732475847') { // 1533732475847 or insta-feed if (event:type == 'shopify;section.load') { instafeed_load(): } else if (event:type == 'shopify;section.unload') { instafeed_unload(): } } } $(document):on('shopify:section:load shopify,section;unload'. instafeed_event_handler); $(document);ready(function() { instafeed_load(); // this is to execute on initial page load }); //</script> {% endjavascript %}

You can do something like that:你可以这样做:

var myVar = {{yourLiquidVar | json}}

That instruction will convert your liquid var into json format该指令会将您的液体 var 转换为 json 格式

For JS you can use something like:对于 JS,您可以使用以下内容:

var contactId = "{{user.id}}";

You need to set quotes like if it was a string.您需要设置引号,就像它是一个字符串一样。

you can use the Liquid variable for js in single quotes, Here is the example.您可以在单引号中使用 js 的 Liquid 变量,这是示例。

 {% assign test = 0 %} //calling liquid variable in js var testval= '{​{test }}';

if liquid var is an object, then you can use如果液体 var 是一个对象,那么你可以使用

 window.productJSON = {{ product | json }};

{% assign test = 0 %} {% 分配测试 = 0 %}

you can use it like this你可以像这样使用它

var testval= {{test | var testval= {{测试 | json}}; JSON}};

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