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[英]UITextView stange animation glitch on paste action (iOS11)

I'm facing a very strange bug. 我面临一个非常奇怪的错误。 When I paste anything inside UITextView , I receive a surprising glitch of animation. 当我在UITextView粘贴任何内容时,我会收到令人惊讶的动画故障。

To reproduce it I've just created a black .xcodeproj , added UITextView to ViewController via storyboard and ran the application. 为了重现它,我刚刚创建了一个黑色的.xcodeproj ,并通过情节.xcodeprojUITextView添加到ViewController并运行了该应用程序。

The only similiar problem I've found is https://twitter.com/twostraws/status/972914692195790849 And it says that it's a bug of UIKit in iOS11. 我发现的唯一类似问题是https://twitter.com/twostraws/status/972914692195790849并且它说这是iOS11中UIKit的错误。 But there lot of applications on my iPhone with UITextview that works correctly on iOS11. 但是我的iPhone上有很多带有UITextview的应用程序,它们可以在iOS11上正常工作。 You can see the bug in the video here – https://twitter.com/twostraws/status/972914692195790849 您可以在此处的视频中看到错误-https: //twitter.com/twostraws/status/972914692195790849

Any suggestions or help would be appreciated. 任何建议或帮助,将不胜感激。 What I tried? 我尝试了什么? - Tried the new clear project with minimal changes; -尝试以最小的更改进行新的清晰项目; - Disabled all the autocorrection types; -禁用所有自动更正类型; - Removed constraints; -消除了限制; - Tried on several iPhones with different version – 11.2.5 and 11.4.2. -在具有不同版本(11.2.5和11.4.2)的多个iPhone上试用。

The original project is attached. 原始项目已附加。 It's made on Swift 4.1 with Xcode 9.4(9F1027a) https://ufile.io/fzyj8 它是使用Xcode 9.4(9F1027a)Swift 4.1上制作的https://ufile.io/fzyj8

I checked some other applications on my iPhone like Todoist and found the same bug there. 我检查了iPhone上的其他应用程序,例如Todoist并在其中发现了相同的错误。 But also I've found the solution. 但我也找到了解决方案。 I hope Apple will urgently fix this bug. 我希望苹果公司能够紧急修复此错误。

So you may implement the UITextPasteDelegate and disabled the animation on paste action. 因此,您可以实现UITextPasteDelegate并禁用粘贴动画。 This API is available only iOS11+, but it seems that the bug is also reproduced only on iOS11. 该API仅在iOS11 +上可用,但似乎该错误也仅在iOS11上重现。

class ViewController: UIViewController {

    @IBOutlet weak var textView: UITextView!

    override func viewDidLoad() {
        textView.pasteDelegate = self

extension ViewController: UITextPasteDelegate {
    func textPasteConfigurationSupporting(_ textPasteConfigurationSupporting: UITextPasteConfigurationSupporting, shouldAnimatePasteOf attributedString: NSAttributedString, to textRange: UITextRange) -> Bool {
        return false

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